
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Friday, March 31, 2006

inconsideration has a price

Since my blog is hiding QB's blog.. Ill just remind everyone here again that

be there or be square hahaha

So last night we were at the hospital seeing how my dad was doing. He was sleeping. But I don't know how he could sleep with the terribly annoying chattering coming from the bed next to him! Apparently, the bed next to my Dad's was being occupied by a 90-something-year-old man wif a bad heart. But you couldn't tell anything was wrong wif him coz it looked like he was having a right old party there!!!

Yep.. from 6ish to about 8pm last night he had a grand total of 12 visitors. They came in all sorts of shape and size and colour. Some were young and some were old. It was like having a celebrity next to us. If his visitors could not sit on the chairs provided (and also the many that were borrowed from various other patients who had the minimum number of visitors, they would sit on the floor, if there were no floor space left to sit on, they would stand. So if I were to start charging entrance fee, I think I would be a very rich girl by now.

Seating fees: BND10
Floor-seating fees: BND5
Standing fees: BND3

Then I would enforce a membership discount card (10% off)

I don't mind tolerating people with a lot of visitors most of the time. But from what my mum said.. these visitors are almost constantly there. From 5am until 11pm at night! Where do they put the Visiting Hours signs anyway? Behind the door?

And when I brought this up to the nurse on duty. All they said was they tried to tell the patient and his adoring fans that other patients needed to rest too but they just won't listen.
Anyway.. I just really really hope tomorrow is his last day there!

I can't help getting extremely annoyed with the whole situation. But this is about my Dad. And nobody makes my Dad unhappy or get lack of sleep!

Today my mum thankfully informed me that Bed #16 and their 20 guests have moved their party elsewhere... rumour has it to Jerudong... so all I can say is.. I wish them luck in getting free passes to get in more than 2 visitors there! You go Gleneagles!

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Ok, I heard every1 is getting fat and has forgotten how to play that game which involves your foot and a watchamcallit, ball kah? heheheh. So..... since u all wanna play, then TRAINING IS ON TOMORROW!


We are actually using the padang langgar2 ni ah since it is still tanah Govt. I don't think we are allowed to use it anymore pulang, but we will sampai kena halau or sampai kena antar surat to say tani nda dpt pakai lagi (wahhh rebels!). But for now, we will try to continue using it FRIDAY AND MONDAY AFTERNOON.

1. PLEASE PAKAI SELUAR PANJANG so that org nda kata2 and so that we show ppl that tani nda acting like boys ah!
2. Coach Ali is away in Dhaka with his team representing Brunei at the AFC and Coach Gnul is in Msia with his team representing Brunei at M League (gooood luck QAF and DPMM!) so Coach Yusof will be coaching.
3. Jgn hampa if nda ramai dtg cos no doubt some parents will not allow their daughters to play now. Jst use the time to play and enjoy the game that u luv and miss so much ok.

Bah, selamat bermain sukan yang tani kaum tani nda kena galakkan main.

red eight

And today we are 1 year and 2 days old.

I have exactly 21 minutes left before I have to go to a briefing. Hope all that went to JKR last night for Futsal with the mighty R-team did well. And I'm sure you did! Whoever went, share2 la cerita. Who scored, who tripped ;p who cried and who laughed the loudest heheheh.

I unfortunately couldn't make it last night. Will tell you all about it nanti when we all meet up in person. It's kind of a personal thing which I don't feel comfortable talking about it here. But hopefully everything is fine now.

No footie at the stadium this Saturday. Next Saturday - got! I can't wait. It's gonna be real fun so come on Sirens, let's all go to the stadium to support Duh Puh Erm Erm and do the Mexican and eat nachos hahahah siapa sanggup bawa Nachos ke stadium dipersilakan.

And the magic color is.. RED... and the magic number is.... EIGHT!!! c

Oh-oh... 16 more minutes left...

Oh ya.. pictures will be up on multiply soon ya. The latest pics I haven't yet resized but I might do that tonight if I have time.

Until I see you again Sirens. My heart is forever with you.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Panjang Umur Sirens

I wish you a happy birthday
I wish you a happy birthday
I wish you a happy birthday
Now let's kick some ass

Thank you to all that came last night. It was one helluva three hours.

Thank you to our opponents who came with their men and who also got to 'join in the fun' as well unexpectedly. Next time you guys make the booking ya. And we'll just come as the guest and maximise the facilities.

There's such a thing called a greeting by the way. Maybe some people should look that up in the dictionary.

The other team were good. (I think they're called Lavioso or something like that) Their coach/manager said they just started playing. So kudos to them for wanting to try out this 'forbidden' sport. I can see they have potential. I would have to say their best player would have to be their goalkeeper heheheh...

Star64.. ok kan kan kan? Think of it as a challenge hehehe... and btw I've added you to my multiply.. now you can view old pictures of Sirens...

So next futsal is this Wednesday from 6-8 ladies. Please be early ok in respect to our hosts.. and according to Star64, our team pays BND20 so please don't forget to bring some dosh ok.. thanks.

and again

As a tribute to Siren's First Birthday.. I present you with an article on women's football. Take time to read it... it may raise a few eyebrows..
The U.S. women’s triumph is something to be savored.
Special to SoccerTimes
Written by John Haydon
In nearly 20 years, my mother-in-law has never spoken to me about soccer. But there she was on the phone last Saturday evening raving about the United States women's victory in the World Cup. Now when my mother-in-law gets excited about soccer, something must be going on.

The incredible media attention focused on the American team surprised -- no, stunned me. It was amazing. Who can explain it?. I'm under no illusions that soccer is suddenly going to be embraced by Americans, and I understand that many of those who watched the games were "event driven" -- drawn by all the hoopla. But still, who would have thought that soccer players would grace the covers of Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated in the same week.
It may all fade away quickly, but let's savor the moment. When I was growing up in England, girls just didn't play soccer. In the mid-1980s, I played co-ed soccer in Greenbelt and was amazed at just how well American girls could play the game.

Then came the 1991 Women's World Cup in China. I remember my first interview with the 19-year-old Mia Hamm. She was charming then, and fame hasn't changed her.

Nobody cared about the American women back then. One newspaper was so ignorant of the women's game that it reported the Cup was being played in Canton, Ohio.

Times have certainly changed. Maybe FIFA president Sepp Blatter was on to something when he recently said the future of the sport was "feminine." <-- hah, did I read that right?

There is much the men's game and men's sports in general can learn from the U.S. team. On the field, the women played aggressively but didn't feign injuries. When they got knocked down, they rarely tried to run out the clock.

And I didn't see any retaliation following fouls. Are you listening, David Beckham? I rarely saw players taking dives to win fouls. Are you listening, Diego Simeone? Free kicks near the goal were taken quickly. These days in the men's game, getting the required 10 yards on free kicks is like pulling teeth.

When the referees in Women's World Cup asked for the 10 yards, the women quickly aligned their defensive walls and often gave their opponents 15 yards instead of 10. The game wasn't held up, and the play on the field flowed.

And off the field, the players were accessible to the press and the fans. There was no foul-mouthing.

None of the players was reported to have beaten up or sexually assaulted a boyfriend or husband.

Hamm, the most famous female soccer player in the world has yet to punch a photographer. There were no failed drug tests.

The women's tournament reminded me of an earlier, happier time in the men's game before massive salaries, inflated egos and rioting fans. The determination and courage of Michelle Akers, recalled the noble spirit of the late Bobby Moore. Hamm's graceful play and selfless nature reminded me of Roger Hunt. Chastain's fighting spirit brought back memories of Nobby Stiles. All those gentlemen played on England's 1966 World Cup champions. Their names are forever ingrained in my mind, just as those American women who won at the Rose Bowl will always be remembered by 15-year-old girls playing the game today.
Thanks for a great three weeks of soccer.

Monday, March 27, 2006


I wanted to wait until 12 to post...but mata kami ani makin damit sudah..and I'm a bit tired tonight after overtime. But nevermind...I'll just pretend its already 12...soooo


I still remember that day when QB was frantic looking for a coach...and then we found one, and then kita-kita bertemu di tangga Stadium...dan berconvoy beramai ramai ke padang asgai. Baru sampai...ujan cia...and u all tot branti tah ni no no...kana suruh training jua dengan kilat memancar sana sini...padang pun jadi kulam....everybody was plain dirty!!! But..everybody had fun!!!

Since that day...jumlah Sirens ani bertambah...yang tuha2....(mun kami masuk category 'ancient') diketuai oleh jengg jenggg jenggggg Juuuuuujuuuuu, to kanak-kanak skulah to triplets to kanak-kanak ribena...bermacam ragam gitu. Tapi nda kurang jua yang cacah cabur ganya arah Sirens ani...well...can't say much about that...not our loss anyways.

So today, we celebrate one year of 'footy' frenship...but hmm...exist kah masih ladies footy ani. Well tadi me and QB were thinking pasal padang mana kan di kerajakan...sooo...sapa2 yang ada padang luas kan minta ratakan tanah nya....sila contact saya ya...Insya Allah dalam masa setahun, tanah akan rata serata ratanya. Wakafkan sahaja arah Sirens...cana???

Bah...I think that's it from me tonight....see u beautiful LADIES soon....

Footie here and there..

Dear Mochas,

Well done to Deh Peh Erm Erm for scoring a tie last saturday nite.. bloody sarawakians (the whole lot) for no fairplay from the beginning that ended up one man short from both sides.

did u notice...
1. how fast the players sprinted when there's a fight on the greens? hehe
2. how the sarawak supporters got shouted at (maybe bullied) after the penalty shootout?
3. how stupid the supporters are throwing water bottles on the field when they can harm the ball-boys?
4. how crappy the audience above the "cheerleaders" because they didn't continue doing the wave bit?
5. one of ziana zain's old-lover? haha.. he is good though..

That's it.. can't really contribute much here anyway..

Shoutouts to:
G- Heard bout u on sat nite.. Get well soon.
Bulan - where u moon? sibuk kah?
Faith - still busy you workaholic? hehehe
Sirens FC - errmmmm...

bring it on

I'm sure for most of you that were there on Saturday night, you would agree that it was a pretty intense night. Double the entertainment, double the stress factor and triple the vocals from the Sirens box!!! Hehehehehehe

DPMM drew with Sarawak. Boo to Sarawak for attempting to play dirty. Siapa main dirty will get shit on their face! Hahahahha

Just had nasi lemak, maybe there's something in it thats making me high. BTW its 9:16 right now and not as stated below this blog ok. Paning ku! I wish I could go home n sleep.



Bring your game!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

my Hubsend and I

bemain tah kami smlm.. tapi bkn main mcm laki2. kami main terais2, ketawa2.. and inda ke jiwa. hahahaahha mcm bini2 la.
if anyone had mistaken us for men last night.. baik tah gosok mata sampai tekeluar jua bigi mata atu.

hey.. have u guys ever wondered if any non-Sirens ever read this blog? but then again kan, siapa jua kan membaca tampat ani. i mean, remember why we moved here in the first place, right? to avoid non-Sirens from reading here. anyway not that anyone would bother reading about a bunch of girls punya complaints and bits n pieces of thoughts that we sometimes have.

and of course the occasional updates on Sirens events and whatnot.

i mean, maybe only weird, desperate loser old men read this site huh. like, if i was one of these dirty old men who prolly wanted to get some action online, yeah, i wouldn't be surprised if they typed in mysteriousgirls hoping it was some dirty porn site or something.

oh well, to anyone who fits the above description... so sorry to disappoint you, we're just a bunch of girls wif nothing better to do during some parts of daily life and come here to blog. now that i think about it.. mcm lame jua nama site ani ah hahahaah tapi it was in the heat of the moment, having to think up a new name to replace the old one hahah and kelurusan tah jua lagu atu jadi national anthem Sirens. hahaha mau cia lagi be-national anthem hahahaha

well, imagine if there were dirty old men linking up to this site every single day ah. hahahahah they have less of a life than me tu eh.

but then again, maybe i'm assuming too much. maybe Siren-ians are the only ones accessing this place.

then again.. maybe there are dirty old men getting upset at reading this post of mine today. hahahah Sudu's just high after last night hahahah.

thank u to all that came last night, nanti lagi ah. Actually nya nanti nya is this Monday plg. 7-10. Bah come ah yang dapat datang and yang inda be-transport.. rista2 la kepada kaka Sirens yang mungkin dapat pick u up ok!!! ;p

nani own goal semalam hahahahahahahahaha

n sudu was da keeper...

chuchu lasut smlm dpn hubsend nya lagi tu

n drem, scurry and sudu went all the way to burung pingai to buy a couple of drinks. maybe if scurry is in a good mood she'll let u guys know how the story went.. coz Sudu inda pandai becerita cali. Sudu pandai ketawa tebahak2 saja...

gambaa gambaa masuk dlm multiply ah.. sal nya d sini ani takut ku ada perverts meliat gambaa katani.. mana la tau kan.. so star64.. minta ajar arah sister tersayang ah, canakan access multiply kepunyaan cGarfu & his cool wifey Sudu ok!

n Frog Princess smlm cuba tandang2 sikit tapi d atas masalah teknikal d suruh berhenti bermain daripada Technical Director nya - Frog Prince heheheheh

n Raja Penyengat datang jua smlm dg hubsand nya n dgn hubsend cousin ku yg aku lupa heheheh n terpaksa raja penyengat meremind aku siapa dia.

i'm still waiting for my hubsend to come home for lunch. and then later i meet the gang at the usual place. but bandar brance. siapa kan datang, silakan...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Horny for Footie

To that someone so close to our hearts..
To that someone who always likes playing on the side (siring la tu)





Damn i am soo excited.

Its like i havent played in years. It sure feels that way.
So looking forward to seeing some familiar faces later.. and some newbies as well...

But remember girls... its all for fun.
Imagine if we couldn't play footie anymore...

So lets go play later in the name of F U N!!!!

me so horny for football...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

forgive me for my ignorance

As I said before, about a month ago, I would remind you when the time is right. Well, my friends, the time is right.

So... g

Tomorrow, Friday 24th March, 2006, presenting the 3-hour special of futsal galore for Sirens and Friends at JKR Futsal Court from 5 - 8pm.

Hopefully all will be able to come with their partners. or siblings or a stranger they've just picked up off the road somewhere along the way.

I will remind again tomorrow, for those special people who need constant reminders ok!

Love you all and God speed.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Bday KIANNA!

Faith...nama si K yang sah and betul dlm i.c nya is KIANNA lah! hehehehhe...

Happy birthday K! Wish we could celebrate with u 2day, but never mind, if you come to JKR on Friday, maybe you will get a lil surprise! hehehehhe! (Any excuse for eating cake is good kan!).

Anyway m bck in the homeland now. I heard abt the 'news' when I was away. I don't know the full details of the khutbah plg, but this is my humble opinion. I don't think it's such a good interpretation of hukum. Islam gives our religious scholars a means to interpret application of hukum syara' through a number of ways like ijtihad and qiyas, but kan, with this particular hukum, u dun even have to use those means. The hukum says women should not menyerupai lelaki. Just because we play what used to be a game only played by men, doesn't mean tani menyerupai lelaki! We still look like girls, think like girls, feel like girls and play like girls! Urghh emosi kami eh! I won't go on, but i don't understand why they had to get all riuh about this. Lelaki yg menyerupai girls nda durang riuh kan yg u blatantly see d jln2 ah! And are men and women really not allowed to do activities which usually one sex does kah??? So men should not cook cos it's a woman thing??? What about chefs?? Nabi SAW menolong bininya memasak jua!

Isshhhhh.....ok i won't go on cos i think we r all upset abt this kan. Anyway, for now, tani sabar saja and lay low as G said. But we'll be back....jgn garage sale jual stupur dulu eh my Lop!

Happy birthday to Problem Child!!!

To my dear Problem Child aka Khiana, Happy Birthday lil girl.. hope all ur wishes come true... n if ever a fairy godmother will grant me 1 wish for khiana, i wish Khiana will know how to makan AYAM!! esp barbequed Chicken Wings!!!! hahaha

sincerely from:
Problem Sister aka Faith aka Nani

On anonther note: No footie 4 girls??? well i dont care i'm still gonna play futsal on fri, if jadi tu ah... kami ani sebenarnya seamangat pulang sudah ni.. hahhaha

P.s OMG dat pic shud have never beeen seen by other SUDS...... i think ur right, someone must have spiked my drink!!!! hahahaha

its K day

this greeting goes out to fellow Sirenians, Kianna...

may you have the greatest day today...and no you're not old until u reach my age


right fellow tua bangkang frenz of mine?


and LFC scores 7-0!!!

how's that for the perfect beginning to the day???

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

rave anyone?

we kinda look high, don't we.
does anyone remember if someone spiked our drinks
does anyone remember if someone spiked Nani's drink?
luv ya Nan!

Tiga Sekaki

Permainan Tiga Sekaki *said in an British accent dengan mulut yang biut-biut* bagi pandangan saya adalah permainan yang sangat menguji minda kita dan daya kekuatan badan dari segi fisikal dan juga mental.

Rules of the Game
Firstly, divide into 2 teams. The Killers and the Builders.
Next, diri kan 3 slipar atu like a pyramid.
About 10/15 steps from the slipper pyramid draw a line - aka throwing line
Each player has 3 throws to robohkan the slipper pyramid and you must throw behind the throwing line which you have drawn earlier
Once the slipper pyramid have been demolished, the killer team will own the ball and kill each player before the slipper pyramid can be rebuilt
For the Builder team, they should run and avoid kana umban bula and at the same time take opportunity to build balik the slipper pyramid
If the slipper pyramid is successfully rebuilt before the Builder Team all get killed, the Builder Team wins and the game begins all over again!
If the Builder Team all get killed and the Slipper Pyramid could not be re-built then both teams swap roles and the game begins again

Sekian harap mereka-mereka yang ingin mencuba bakat dalam permainan ini untuk mendaftar nama pada saya sebelum 12 tengah malam ini.

Terima Kasih!

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Light Moment

Thanks to all those that participated in the first Who Am I? ® game.
Many people got that one right, and as a prize for getting the correct answer.

Allow me to sing to you in person the next time I see you.

Now here we have the 2nd installment of the popular game.


I play netball and I play footie. But haven’t played footie in a long time (coz of job commitments) but have been around to support the Sirens. I’m funny and I like to tease people. When I play footie I’m usually put as right defense. Nowadays I usually use another part of myself to good footie use. My voice. People say they can hear me a hundred miles away. In reality it’s more like 200 miles. I have a cousin who’s also blessed with good vocals.

Who am I?


I can't concentrate. I need to blog here. This week has been one of the worst weeks ever. First the Friday prayer sermons. Then the news article. And then the floods of questions about how now, to train or not to train.

Oh, you men are so lucky! This place was made for you, wasn't it? This place is meant to cater to your every whim and wants. But just once in a while, when someone who is not a man comes around and tries to make their life a little more interesting, some of 'your' friends can't handle it.

So camana tah kamu nie, nda lagi main bula?

Training tah kamu masih?

Eh, bedusa sdh eh main bula.

Main tah softball, tunggu atu lagi kana ban.

Those are just some of the comments given to me over the weekend. It's overwhelming to take in. But I just take a deep breath. You probably think I'm making a big deal about a small thing. But how would you men feel if you were asked to quit football? Tell me how you would feel?

I'm sorry. I don't want to be kurang ajar and I certainly hope aku inda ketulahan for feeling this way. But it's hard to give up something you really love. To think people thought we were just hot-hot-chicken-shit all those years ago. Inda lama nie, sekajap saja nie drg ani, this is a trend saja nie for them. Saja kan cari glamour nie drg ani. But it was hard to show people that we were serious about it. But thank you to those men that did show their support throughout the years. For not laughing at us when we know we looked foolish on the field. For understanding that we like to have many, many different coloured jerseys.

I know there are so many other pro-feminine activities like cooking, sewing, main congkak, melukis, membaca buku, menyanyi, menari, membersihkan jamban rumah, menyasah, menerikah, melipat baju, membersihkan rumah dari atas ke bawah, main gulintangan etc. These are all such fun stuff! And these really prove you are a pure female inside out. I'm so glad to be a girl. I get to do all these stuff. It's just sooo much fun. I can't wait to start a Toilet Cleaning Club (TCC)

Lets go TCC Lets Go!

I just hope I have enough time for all these wonderful activities. I mean there's so much a girl can do you know. What a way to release stress. Usually footie training was a way for me to leave all my office miseries and get together with friends and have a good time. Now I can spend every afternoon in the toilet getting to know different toilet cleaner brands. Knowing how to scrub the toilet the best way to get the grime off the quickest. Maybe I can buy clothes specifically for my time in the toilet? Cute lil outfits in pink, blue and maybe even white. Maybe nanti there'll be a special tournament on Toilet Cleaning. Well, girls better start getting ready for this new sport. I'm sure it's gonna take the nation by a storm.

Hey girls.

I know alot of you are wondering about Futsal this Friday afternoon at JKR. Well, it will still be on and Insya Allah I will be going. But I understand if some of you want to lay low for a while. That is your choice. We respect it. Maybe there are family matters involved and other more personal issues which are none of our damn business so I will understand if you will not be around this Friday.

For those of you who are coming tho (like myself) please wear shorts which are not too short ok. And remember to wear make-up so people are sure that we are still girls.

The love of the game..

Dear Mochas,

I wish people would just listen..

Like what sudu has been experiencing her "torrid love affair" and how people came to know about her and this affair of hers, well, that happened to me too.. not the affair bit.. but just me and playing football.. and its stressful just to think of it.. and i'm just about to blow up anytime soon now..

After the friday prayers, dad went on and said, "nah ada udah arah khutbah tu, bini bini inda dapat main bula.." and i went on.. "PASAL?" and he shrugged it off saja. Mr. Drem also called me and tell me the same thing.. i was furious. Above all this, above all people, my 10-years amah also told me bout the banned of women's football while laughing her head off.. palui.. ketawa ia lagi.. kan ku tampar ganya inda just to get that smirk off her face..

Yes people.. i was and still am THAT mad..

and.. it was in the frontpage of the BB the next morning.. (stupid BB!!) reading all the painful details and trying to find loopholes in between those words.. how can they be so narrow-minded? To be THAT stupid in deterring the development of women's health overall.. and to pin-point football saja tu.. what about the other sports?? the sports that required players to dress up the proper attire - sleevless and shorts or the other one that requires to use a short skirt to play.. am soo sick of these!!

To tell you the truth.. i didn't think we played like how men played football.. if only these stupid people were smart. Ok, maybe the bloody DF played like one.. sal their stupid coach told them to.

My boss, who knew bout me playing this sport also asked me the question.. "Eh inda tah ko main bula lagi nie, haram jua sudah main bula anie".. and I went on.. well, "imitating a men IS haram, but not when you play a sport and still be a women about it"... am soo pissedd!!!

You're lucky bulan.. you're somewhere out there.. you don't have to face these things.. they just put you down that bad..

I can't give it up now.. I know i can't... I have yet so much to show and prove everyone (suds and skurs might now a bit or two bout this) but if everybody just gives up on this.. with a broken and a heavy heart.. i have to as well.. with as much dissapointment as i possibly can as well..

Long live Sirens FC.. hope you and I can be joined together once again.. and then we can live happily ever after..

Bye sirenians..

It was good while it lasted

Seems like a whirlwind love affair.. my relationship with him. We met mid 2000, I was a young and innocent girl of only 20. He was an individual of marked wisdom and so very experienced. What did I know, but he extended a welcoming hand to me and I took it and was hooked from then on.

I never thought the relationship would ever reach this far, there had been some ups and downs and we were the typical on-off love relationship and sometimes even I myself didn't know whether we were on or off at that particular moment.

At one point there was just no place for us to be together. Well, in this country there’s not many place that would allow a girl like myself and someone like him to be together in the same place unless I’m just a lowly spectator in a crowd full of other people.

He was quite the popular guy. Everyone wanted a piece of him. And he was very talented in entertaining people. Sometimes though, he’d make people cry, or he’d get people so angry they’d just want to beat people up. One poor guy even landed in the hospital because of him. When you’re around him, sometimes he just gets you so riled up. Yeah, I guess you could say he brings out the worst in people most of the times. But I still loved him no matter what.

I bought so many clothes and shoes because of him. Because I wanted to always look my best for him. No matter what, I would always try and make time for him. No matter how busy my schedule, no matter how tired I was before I was scheduled to meet him. He and I.. well.. it would be hard to separate us. Then I got married and my husband knows that I will always love him but somewhere in my heart, I will hold a special place for the love of my younger years.

It has been almost 6 years now my torrid love affair with him. And just recently our relationship was hit with a severe blow. We were found out. Someone had the nerve to bring the matter up to those that were not compassionate. They forbid us to ever see each other again. I was devastated. And everywhere I went, people who knew about me and him would ask and at times I thought they were mocking me. I would always just put on a brave face and smile away. Letting people know it didn’t bother me that I may never see him again.

And now, the truth of it all as well as the harsh reality is finally sinking in. He and I will have to part. And I am devastated. I may look ok to you. And my eyes may be dry from tears but every time something comes into view that reminds me of our time together brings a sharp pain to the very depths of my heart.

Soon, very soon I know I will have to say a final goodbye to him. I will only get to see him from afar as he also has to carry on. He will make someone else happy and for that I am glad.

Oh the love of my life, Football. You will always be in my heart. From the moment you were introduced to me, to the secret locations we met (Lambak, Terunjing Lama, Jerudong and finally Gadong) I will forever remember these places and smile. The songs they will sing in the stadium and the patriotism I will feel when my country plays on that great big field.. than you Football for bringing to life that part of me.

Hahahahahahahha hey girls. That’s my love letter for the day. Did you really think I was having an affair? Phooey hahahahaahahha aaaaah girls. It was good while it lasted wasn’t it. Time to move on.

Question: does this blog still exist now that no more girls will be running on that field of dreams?

I know I'll still be writing.

Wouldn’t it be fun to have a gathering of all the girl’s football teams. Kind of like a reunion. Hahahahaha now that we’re close to losing football, maybe now we can all stand united and say goodbye together.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A. Muslim Women in Sports: Lida Fariman and Manije Kazemi, of Iran - A Question of Clothi

Taken from:

Lida Fariman competed in the Olympics (1992, 1996) as a shooter, but wore the traditional Islamic robe and hijab (head-cover). In the Australian Olympics (2000), Manije Kazemi also competed while wearing traditional Iranian clothing. But for other Muslim women, competition has been more difficult. Hassiba Boulmerka of Algeria won the gold medal in the 1,500 meters race at the Barcelona Games of 1996, competing in a standard runner's outfit. Her victory caused a Muslim preacher in Algeria to denounce (criticize, condemn) those who "dare display (show off) their nudity before the whole world." Death threats followed. Boulmerka became an outcast, afraid to return to her own country.

The dress required for women athletes "is a serious matter and we as Muslim countries and even non-Muslim countries must put emphasis on Muslim ladies in sport," said Hashemi, daughter of a former Iranian president and who is now vice president of Iran's national Olympic committee. She noted that several Muslim nations had no women athletes on their teams at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and 1996 Atlanta Games. She recommended that the IOC (International Olympic Committee) change the dress codes to allow more Muslim women to compete with more covering on their bodies. "Muslim women are ignored because of their moralities as stated in their religion. There are 500 million Muslim women in the world, one-fourth of the world's female population, who cannot do sport in the existing conditions. What is the problem with having competitions in accordance with our conditions?" (Quoted in Coolrunning. Also see Win Magazine, "Veiled Jocks")

Iranian women's Olympic teams have been selected for canoeing, shooting, and table tennis. These are all the competitions where women are permitted to wear uniforms that match the Islamic dress code. Should Muslim women be excluded from sports if they refuse to wear modern sports clothes? Should there be separate competitions for women which men may not observe? These are some of the questions that face Muslim women from conservative countries, such as Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Like most Muslim women from Iran, Lida Fariman prays five times a day and keeps her head and body covered with a hood and a long dress wherever she goes, even to the Olympic shooting range.

Unveiling Myths: Muslim Women and Sport

By: Sarah J. Murray. Taken from:

Imagine a woman draped in a traditional Muslim headscarf and dress. What do you presume exists behind that sanctimonious shield of modesty? Do you envision a sports bra beneath those folds? How about chiseled abs and a competitive sneer? Although it is entirely possible that an athlete exists in the hijab, rarely does she exist in our imagination. Many Americans have been conditioned by media, politics and prejudice to associate women of Islam with notions of oppression and indignity. This pity is both disempowering and largely misdirected.
It can be argued that the Islamic religion is no more misogynistic than much of the Christianity practiced around the world. Fanatical fundamentalism, like that of the notorious Taliban, is a radical deviation from the Islam accepted by much of the world where women are celebrated for their strength, intelligence and even athleticism. The Koran actually encourages physical activity among women - it is the interpretation and extremity of application of the Prophet’s words that dictate the practical applications of Islam relative to women. For example, not all Muslim women follow the same dress code. Some interpretations of Islam mandate that not even a woman’s face be revealed, while others have little or no clothing restrictions. Now, more than ever, we must raise our gaze and open our understanding of women's sports to include the diverse experiences of our Muslim sisters.

As our war tore through Afghanistan this fall, thousands of women gathered in Tehran, Iran, for the third Muslim Women’s Games (formerly the Islamic Countries’ Women’s Games). This event opened the doors of international athletic competition to millions of Muslim women who wear the hijab by addressing one of the most outstanding dilemmas these Muslim women face in athletics: how do elite female athletes compete in athletic attire when their interpretation of the Koran mandates refraining from revealing the beauty of their bodies to men? The answer - create a female-exclusive environment in which to play. The Muslim Women's Games were only open to men and photographic media during the opening ceremonies when women were covered. Once the games began, males were prohibited from attending, and women were able to compete in volleyball, handball, basketball and even swimming in performance clothing. Although the stadiums with seating capacities of 15,000 were practically empty, the energetic thrill of this athletic opportunity filled each venue. Seven hundred and fifty-three competitors enjoyed unprecedented benefits of a women-only sporting environment including no gender inequity and an all-female support staff - from coaches to trainers, referees and even journalists. The women taking part in the Muslim Women's Games were not pleading to play with the boys - they were creating a sports sphere to call their own.

The Muslim Women's Games provided a solid foundation for growth and progress. A woman who wears the hijab now has an exclusive international forum in which to compete. Unfortunately, her plight becomes much more complicated when considering the possibility of her participating in the Olympic Games. Muslim women have historically competed in the Olympic Games both in and out of the hijab and have experienced varying degrees of acceptance from their homelands. In the 1992 Olympic Games, Algerian Hassiba Boulmerka won the 1500 meters in men’s shorts. Instead of celebrating the first Algerian to accomplish such a feat, fundamentalists denounced her victory for "running with naked legs in front of thousands of men." Boulmerka was forced into exile following the Olympic Games because of death threats from her fellow countrymen. Iranian women, on the other hand, chose to compete in the hijab at the Olympic Games in Atlanta in canoe/kayak and shooting. They were supported at home, regardless of the fact that the Iranian government has been critical of the international athletic environment. According to Dr. Ghafouri Fard, the head of the Physical Education Organization of Iran, the leaders of world sport have created a cruel imposition whereby Muslim women are “deprived of taking part in World and Olympic events due to having their Islamic cover.” (Salam Iran, November 28, 2001) He goes on to criticize the I.O.C. for the cruel violation of human rights to exclude these women from the world’s athletic stage.

The claim that Muslim women are in any way excluded from competing at the Olympic Games is fiercely opposed by Anita Defrantz, U.S. representative to the I.O.C. She counters this notion by saying that the I.O.C. does not assume the responsibility of dictating what can and cannot be worn during the Games. Uniform regulations are left up to each national federation. In response to these accusations, Defrantz says, “It’s nonsense. There is no rule that wold prohibit wearing the hijab in the Olympic Games. No person is barred from the Olympic Games because of their faith – and that includes Americans.” Perhaps an explanation for the absence of a large number of hijab-wearing women at the Olympic games has to do with issues of practicality, interest or homeland athletic opportunities.

Why then, if Muslim women are indeed playing sports internationally, do Americans not have so much as a misunderstanding, but rather a missing understanding of their participation? An answer might be this: Americans create understanding through the thousands of visual images they encounter every day, and pictures are largely responsible for shaping our view of sport. We are limited to a very narrow, or even absent view of Muslim women athletes. According to Faezeh Hashemi, hijab-wearing Muslim women typically cannot be visually represented playing sports in performance clothing and remain in synch with the mandates of Islam. She claims that this is no excuse for Iranian and foreign press to avoid half the Muslim population.

Radio, television, print and Internet publications could have a dramatic effect on the growth of women's sports in predominantly Muslim countries. However, this is a challenging task that calls for creative verbal imagery and a dedicated media. Ambitious women's sports coverage remains a virtual oxymoron in the United States where women have been competing for well over a century. If we struggle for equitable media coverage of women's sports, imagine how the scenario is exacerbated in places where women's sports are in earlier stages of development.

In consideration of the existence and advancement of women's sports in Muslim countries, let's ask ourselves one question: what if a prodigal Mia Hamm is growing up in Iran today? Does she know that the mandates of her dress code need not limit the strength and spirit of the body beneath the hijab? Will she have the opportunity and encouragement to develop her dynamic, natural talent? Will she grab a heroine's inspiration from a sound bite she hears on public radio and dream one day of representing her country on an international sport stage? How can we make sure that she does?

The Women's Sports Foundation exists as the center of belief in the power of play in girls and women's lives. We believe that the benefits derived from sport are keys to universal notions of good health, confidence, success and overall happiness. To promote truly global growth of female athleticism, we must sow and nurture the seeds of recognition, empowerment and equality in Muslim countries as we do at home. It wasn't long ago that American female cyclists wore petticoats and tennis players donned corsets. What matters is not what an athlete wears to play but the fact that she participates and takes from the sporting experience. We have struggled for decades to provide women with equal opportunity in sport and have overcome both the prejudices and extremist discrimination that keep Muslim women's sports unexposed and underdeveloped today. For the sake of unity and humanity, it's time to unveil the myths and truly celebrate the glorious participation of all women in sports.

Afghani Girls Get A Kick Out Of Sports

Taken from

Along with other new-found freedoms, young women are getting a chance to participate in sports such as football.

By Hazifullah Gardesh and Mohammed Jawad in Kabul (ARR No. 116, 22-Apr-04)

No longer satisfied to sit on the sidelines, young female athletes have traded in their burqas for sports jerseys, laced up their cleats and charged onto the football pitch.

They are doing what young Afghan women could only have dreamed of just three years ago, and sometimes are still prevented from doing.

“I believe that women should play all sports,” said Maliha Ghani Baraki, a coach at the Zarghona High School in the centre of Kabul. “I wanted the people to know women can do whatever men do.”

Her team has 12 players, all in their teens. They play on a small field at the school, shielded from public view behind a wall, and wear uniforms and shoes provided by the Afghan Olympic Committee. To play, they must be appropriately covered, which means long-sleeved shirts, sweatpants and scarves. Each player must have written permission from her family.

So far, the response to the team has been positive. “We have not faced any obstacles yet,” Baraki said. Her biggest challenge has been to find a suitable pitch on which to play.

Baraki said her dream would be to see Afghan women compete on the international level.

It’s a dream shared by Fareda, a 17-year-old player who said she had “wanted to join a football team before, but there wasn’t any”. She said she watches football on television and especially admirers the Brazilian player, Renaldo, and the French-Algerian player, Zinuddin Zidan.

Hania, 15, said she became interested in football after watching it on television. The ninth grader said her favourite teams are from Brazil and Argentina.

There are other women’s football teams in Afghanistan as well.

The Maiwand girl’s football team was formed as part of the private Hamza-e-sayadushohaddah sports club, located west of Kabul. The team has 26 female players, aged 14 to 21. They practice indoors in a hall 11 metres long, 8 m wide and just 2.5 m high.

Club director Musa Jafari formed the club when he noticed a growing interest among women in football. Some 56 girls now participate in various sports at the club, he said.

Although the club charges its male members a monthly fee of 80 afghanis, Jafari does not charge girls because he wants to promote their participation in sports.

“Within two months I discovered that girls [were] talented, and I hope that we are prepared for football matches inside and outside the country,” Jafari said.

Like Baraki, Jafari said the biggest problem is finding a suitable place for games. He said he is currently seeking financial assistance to build an indoor gymnasium where the girls can play.

Meena, 14, who along with her family returned to Afghanistan from Iran, said she was inspired to play football after watching games on television. She said she approached Jafari about forming a team and he agreed.

While Meena said her family encourages her to play sports, she admitted that boys sometimes harass her and her teammates. “Some boys are annoying us,” she complained. “Some shout, ‘athlete.’”

Meena’s teammate Zuhra, 14, also returned to Afghanistan from Iran after the collapse of the Taleban. For her, “Afghanistan [didn't exist] before. Afghanistan was established after the collapse of Taleban. It is total freedom now,” she said.

The female footballers even have the support of some of their male counterparts. Ahmad Khesro, 21, a member of Kabul’s professional Pamer team, said, “We are happy and wish that our women can compete in international levels”. But he acknowledged that female athletes still face social obstacles. “Our society is backward, so women [must] play [indoors].”

Sayad Zia Muzafri, director of the Afghan football federation, said his organization supports women’s sports. “We plan to improve women’s sports,” he said, adding that his organisation would like to provide better playing facilities, good trainers, coaches and equipment.

But before that can happen, Muzafri said that the federation and other organisations need to change public opinion so that female athletes are not only accepted, but supported.

Hazifullah Gardesh is an IWPR trainer and editor. Mohammed Jawad is an independent journalist.

Women's Soccer a Toe-hold in Sudan

Women's Soccer a Toe-hold in Sudan
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Taken from

Even though conflict continues in Sudan, the shaky peace between the Islamist north and the Christian/Animist south has created fertile ground for women wishing to dust off the years of oppression under sharia. For the first time, six women's soccer teams are playing in a competition that they are hoping to grow to form a national competitive team. Islamic laws restrict women from participating in sports -- and even when they pushed those boundaries, the had to be covered from head to foot. Yet, with determination and perseverance, the women have risked it all to play. If only they can now get support from the country's football association.

This is yet another example of why Africa needs to be saved. Despite all the conflicts; the pandemics; the scourges that are attempting to rout life from the continent, life and human spirit flourishes. For these girls, and others like them, there is hope. We just need to help that hope.

Iranian women challenge soccer ban

Iranian women challenge soccer ban (6/6/2005)
Taken from

A group of Iranian women challenged a ban on women’s attendance at football matches when they attended their national team's Group B Asian zone 2006 World Cup qualifier against North Korea.

The women have been allowed to attend Friday's match at Tehran's Azadi stadium after petitioning the Iranian Football Federation.

"I think the atmosphere is very good," said Ms. Ardalan, as Iran labored to a 1-0 victory that left the national team on the verge of qualifying for next year's World Cup.

"Women should be allowed to be present at matches to calm down the atmosphere. If the men saw that their sisters were sitting nearby they would behave better and not shout and curse."

Ms. Ardalan, a physical education student, is the daughter of a former international goalkeeper. She is considered the best female player in Iran, and once scored 23 goals in an international Islamic women's indoor five-a-side tournament.

But despite her achievements, last Friday's tie between Iran and North Korea was the first men's match Ms. Ardalan, 20, had been allowed to attend.

"This is just the beginning of our people having a new culture and getting used to women coming into stadiums," said Elaheh Moladoast, 27, a referee in the women's league.

"We are defending our rights as women to come and watch rather than sitting at home and watching on television. There should be no limitations," she added.

Iran’s ban on women’s attendance at football matches has been a hot issue in this month’s presidential elections. The frontrunner, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, said that wants to lift the ban.

Ms. Ardalan said Rafsanjani's promise could be a vote winner. "Many young women in Iran are in love with football but they are frustrated that they cannot come to watch."

Friday, March 17, 2006

said and done

I'm just so sad. The way things are going now, I don't think I have any more room for anger. I was angry earlier this afternoon but now I don't have any more anger left in me.

Sometimes it sucks just to have to sit back and take what is given. To just keep quiet when you have an opinion yourself. And don't everyone's opinions count? To be discriminating is so easy. But to be fair, now that takes a lot of work.

I don't mind if they want to make changes if certain things are a sight for sore eyes. But offer constructive criticisms. How often are we in positions where we are scolded for doing something wrong, and thrown abusive insults? Have you ever noticed how often (or not) that we are given helpful suggestions in order to better ourselves?

you can't blame me for getting angry. and you can't blame me for wanting to talk about it. you wanna know why it hurts so much? because no one can do anything about it. yeah, it'll blow over but at least let me have my opinions. just listen to what i have to say, ok you can't change anything, but just listen. u don't have to put me down for having such opinions. since when were opinions against the law? since when were opinions a crime?

and don't tell me i'm making a big deal. i don't tell u ure making a big deal over something which i think isn't such a big deal. so think before u speak. bcoz when u speak, people have the courtesty to listen. so why can't u extend the same courtesy. it's people that u least expect to get hurt that do get hurt. stop a while. and reflect.

i'll blog about what i want to blog. if i dont like something ill talk about it. sometimes i dont need people to agree with me. sometimes an ear is just enough. bcoz i know some things are unfixable. so why bother arguing anyway. just let a girl grieve about what's happened. just give me that.

what's said is said. and what will be done will be done.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

cure for sleepiness.

Is there any way i can keep myself from sleeping? please someone, anyone, if you've got a suggestion... don't be afraid to voice it out. i am sooo sleepy i dunno if i can sit up anymore. i am THIS close to slumping down in my chair and just start snoring!!!

the day is so drowsy. all i can think about is my nice cozy bed. i didn't even eat that much during lunch i dunno why the sudden fatigue. maybe coz it's thursday. my body must know there's only one working day left to go so it's prolly going into relax-mode. no Body! Stop Body! don't relax yet Body.. otherwise how will i get through tomorrow. tomorrow lagi cia panjang lunch hour. ooooh to go home and sleep. but i wanna also go to pilates later. i must i must bcoz last saturday sdh i missed it.

yesterday training. there was only myself, drem, scurry, kai and the triplets. well not really the triplets coz cMas wasn't there. we had a 3 on 3 street game. oh and me and Scurry made a new friend hahahahahah. pikir ku tah andang kawan Scurry tapi rupanya first time lovers tu, i mean first time friends. tapi mesra ani wah. her name rhymes wif mine. no, not Sudu, my real name.

hahah i give u a day wif scurry whoever can guess the name. excluding u scurz. coz u can't gues and win a day wif urself. unless ure desperate. which i assure u ure not coz u got better company in the form of drem and yours truly!

a friendly reminder:
next friday is the day of futsal at jkr starting from 5-8pm
be there or be square (how lame)
oh and bring $3 each ok.

please, if you know someone who doesn't have the link to this blog and its someone who i don't have contact numbers which are nadJ, SyU, emaH, ummI.. please someone let them know ok! coz poor syU thot she wasn't invited to the bbq last saturday. syU.. syU.. syU.. why would i invite the others but not u hehehe kasian her msg to me on friendster. anywayz...

me love u long time sirens hahaha

Who Am I ?
(a spin-off from the popular game Character of the Week muahahahahahahah)

She initially started playing on the defensive. But then she quickly showed her true potential in midfield. She put in an amazing goal from the middle of the field during a match against Drgnflys Utd in the Dragonfly Cup September of 2005. She looks good in pink *wink wink* but now she claims blue is the new pink. She's a modern day Florence Nightingale.

Sirens.. can you guess who I am?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

a quickie

gotta make this a quickie..

i forgot to tell u

when me n garFu went to survey2 bouncer, this one place ada menyewakan a Human Foozball bouncer. so instead of little, wooden football men on the table, WE can be the wooden men on a bouncer-type football field.

the bouncer is pretty long. and we get about 5 players a side and we strap ourselves into the velcro (velcro Mr Drem.. its a what.. not a who) straps so we can only move a little bit front, back and side to side. and we try to SCORE la what else!!!

so it costs about BND1k.. so the next time someone wants to have a BBQ and they think their home grounds is luas enuff.. pls pls pls rent that one so we can sweat some more!

maybe we could have a Sirens Day Out/Carnival and rent that one and charge ppl. Or have a tournament using that hahahahaha

ok thats it

hope to see all Sirens later at the indoor

i love u all

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

what if...


Though I didn't get to take any pix of u Coach coz u were sooooo far away, but we saw ur name on the scoreboard. Yes we did!!!

And wow I didn't know League Winners win BND15k!!! That's amazing. We only got a trophy. Share2 Qaf ah!! (inda besyukur aku ah)

Ooh what a match it was last night. We arrived a little late coz it was difficult getting parking. When we finally entered the stadium I could feel the tension. The first half looked like AH Utd was conquering. They made a number of good attacks but somehow ABDB's defense and keeper placed themselves in the right spot at the right time to fend off any would-be goals.

Both teams looked in great shape and it was however the wind blows that night. In the first half AH Utd scored a goal and I'm giving a slap on the wrist to AH's Brian for a dirty move on one of ABDB's players. Tsk tsk.. That was after he scored in the 34th minute giving his team the lead.

As the game wore on, we could see how AH Utd's coach had influenced his team. From the strategy and tactics and cover ups. Well done for the stage theatrics but we were there to see a football game.

Into the 2nd half and both teams kept on attacking and counter-attacking. ABDB's Mohd Sardillah Abdullah created the equaliser and was greeted by the deafening roars of supporters in the 58th minute.

Finally literally at the last minute AH Utd put in a goal to come up to the lead. Supporters started to make their way to the exits as in their hearts they knew ABDB didn't have a chance.

But somebody must've been praying hard because AH Utd made a big BIG booboo.. handball by AH Utd's Rosaidi Kamis and penalty kick to the ABDB-ians. Jersey #20- Dahari Yusof took it and aren't some of you glad he wasn't subbed earlier on because he took the penalty and sunk it snugly into the back of the net.

Final score ABDB 2 - 2 AH Utd

The match went into extra time. So we understand now no more silver or golden goals. OK we geddit. So 30mins extra time and no goals.

A surprise move by none other than the Referee brought the game to a finish 2 minutes before end of time. You could see heads swivelling from the referee to the scoreboard and back again. But no, the ref stuck to his decision. Whether he lost track of time there for a minute and thought it was over or his watch had the right time (which doesn't seem likely coz about a hundred people or more saw the match begin the extra time and the big gigantic scoreboard displaying the time was right above everyone's heads so, only God knows why the referee did what he did.

So another penalty shoot-out. Man, these things are getting so predictable.
And final result?
AH Utd winners of the FA Cup
AH Utd 4 - 3 ABDB

Best Fan Club Award goes to:
Majra FC supporters
Worst Fan Club and Unsportsmanship Conduct Award goes to:
AH Utd FC supporters


Ada kah d boo ABDB as they were going to get their runner up prizes.

Tsk tsk tsk.. well no surprise jua la. Like I've always said. From the top to the bottom. Ish ish ish.

But what is football?

Its only a game.

Other Awards:

Player of the Year

Ak Mahale Sulaiman - ABDB

Best Young Player of the Year

Hardi Bujang - QAF

Goalkeeper of the Year

Fardillah Md Ali - ABDB


MD ALI MUSTAFA - QAF and also Sirens hahahaha

Referee of the Year

Hadiman Shahbudin

Golden Boot Award - Premier 1 & FA Cup

Viban Francis Bayong - QAF

Golden Boot Award - Premier 2

Eddie Arsam Salleh - March

Fair Play Award

Majra FC

Monday, March 13, 2006

thunder.. thunder.. thundercats

My Sirens.. my lovely, beautiful Sirens. How do I love thee.. let me count the ways.

1. I love how you just cannot resist the glint of a camera flash.
2. I love how you love to kick ass at appropriate times and also don't mind having ur own asses kicked.
3. I love how u can project your voices to be heard 100feet away while a whole stand of other supporters are behind you yet I can still hear your voice distinctly and clearly.
4. I love how we're still a family even though we've gone through so many rough patches in the past.
5. I love how you are instantly alert when you hear the word food being mentioned.
6. I love how everytime someone says BULA, you jump to attention.
7. I love how you just keep on reading and reading this blogsite.

OK so today I received a memo about a particular restaurant in KB which recently opened and is famous for its Nasi Ayam is not halal. That it serves pork to its customers and that includes Muslim customers because the Muslim customers don't know it serves non-halal food because there's no red sign.

And then someone else said they don't serve pork. They serve dog.

Lagi tah parut ku do somersaults!

Then I remembered something else that is making my tummy do highly advanced gymnastics fit for the olympics. On Friday night me and the Fork went to Supasave Gdg and parked in the basement. And this car which was parked behind ours apparently langgar a bird. You wanna know how I know? Because the bird was still stuck in the front grill of the car!

I wish I could've taken a picture of it, but I didn't want to make anyone else throw up.

So I've been talking to a certain person whose name is a deadly and lethal flower and all she can say is that her tummy lain rasa sdh after all the dog, birds and babi! I really don't think she should say that out loud hahahaha

Are ur brains still bouncing?

So to go or not to go tonight huh.

Oh and let's all ask Poison for Saturday night's pictures.

Poison.. Poison.. Poison...
Pictures.. Pictures... Pictures...
Tomorrow.. tomorrow... tomorrow...

Poison said there's a really funny one of Faith. But I shall be the judge of funny pictures hahaha.. coz have you seen my pictures of Drem hahaha Drem you're so multitalented. So many faces in so little time hahahhaa

Sunday, March 12, 2006

my face with all its innocence.. now forever gone.. haha

Dear mochas,

Yea.. scurry 'accidentally' sat on my face... those are just some of the moments we had on the bouncer.. hahaha.. sudu, i hope the fee you guys paid for the bouncer is worth it for all the unforgettable events/accidents that happened last night.. and to think THE TEAM would be all pemalu to go on the bouncer.. haha yea rite!

Thanks sudu and garfu for having the BBQ and don't worry for those who couldn't make it last nite, we'll have more fun nanti once everyone in the team meets up again (and of course, the cameras will still be around.. so we can be show our vain-ness once again!!)

Sud-Skurs, it was a good morale boost last nite and don't worry.. will still be around.. would be considered stupid and nyasal seumur hidup if i decide not to.. haha.. cheers guys!! thanks for ur thoughts and ears.. hehe

Until then, see you around sirenians in the next training (hopefully nothing can stop me from going no more)


bouncing the night away

So the Garfu says to me "you guys better make full use of the bouncer, yeah?" right before we're about to call the guy to confirm our booking for the bouncer. And I'm like thinking, "sh*t.. mau kah inda da Sirens main nie ah.. krg malu drg"...

Man was I wrong! One of things you never assume about Sirens is that they are PEMALU. *laughs like a hyena*

But damn, that thing is tiring? If the coaches want us to get fit, just get a bouncer and get the Sirens on that thing coz I think I sweated a kilo last night! Lain lagi bunyi thunder kan kan kan.

Oh kasian la cDrem last nyte. She kena dicabuli kehormatannya by none other than our favourite keeper hahahah yes Scurry must've thought Drem was the ball or something. And how come everyone can just run up that slide like they're walking on flat ground? I must be so heavy!!! I can't get up that thing without holding onto the sides!!

I did a superman move.. ya ya it looked really cool.. too bad no one else saw.. all everyone saw was me falling flat on my face. Why is it that when you do something absolutely cool, all people only see is the uncool part? Huh huh huh!!!??? Hehehehehe

*sudu bouncing and still bouncing*

Oh u guys know what? Poor Mozart (the nephew) slept over last night coz he wanted to play the bouncer again in the morning but he woke up in the middle of the night looking for his parents (who went back to their place) and was sobbing his lil heart out. Tuuu bouncer punya pasal. Anyway, he woke up arnd 7am and finally got his wish to have the bouncer all to himself.

Aaaah... how blissful it is to be only 4-yrs-old and only have problems like whether or not you get to play on the bouncer or not.

Thanks to all that could make it. And to the others.. don't worry... there'll be more.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Happy Birthday #33!!

Dear Mochas,

I was planning to upload a picture in this post... but unfortunately the blog is not so kind to me today.. so am just writing a bit here.. maybe the blog would be foolish enough to upload my photo at the end of this text.. hhmm.. let's see noww...

no.. still not workingg.. cemana kan niiee..

Ahh.. finally!! it worked.. sorry moon.. by the time this picture can be uploaded.. its past your bday udah.. sorryy.. but hope u like it...

Bye sirenians.. see u around :)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sirens 33 Wishes

To our dear dear Muneerah aka Sirens 33. As you approach this new year in your life which I and some other Sirens have gone through many, many years ago, we wish you luck in this upcoming new stage in your life. For there may be some sweet times and there may also be some bitter times but for sure they will all help you become a better person. So take it in your stride.

So b'day girl.. what new presents have u gotten? Or will get, depending when you're reading this... new stupur? new jersey wif ur name on it? socks? hehehehe how about a full kit?

awu wah awu wah.. hehehe sorry for the nagging... but see now that uve blogged don't u feel better? heheheh blogging is another way to de-stress u knowwww hehehe

Tadi my cuz had his Nikah. He did it in 2 goes. The first time he kinda missed out some important words.. and he even laughed after he realised he made that mistake. Anyway, now they're officially married! Btw.. to all u guys who kenal Zaitun.. she looked really pretty tadi!!!

No pics coz nada chance to take pix.



Thursday, March 09, 2006


Hi girls, I am back, but not for long as I will be away again next week. Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to make it to the Mr and Mrs Cutlery's residence on Sat nite. I hope so anyway cos I am such a glutton and I should be there to finish all the food for you.

Anyway, I think the schoolgirl Sirens have mostly finished their exams by now kan? So training is ON, tomorrow afternoon at PHQ. You better all come and make Scurry's day cos I think she is having big time training withdrawal symptoms! hehehhehe.

K gtg. C y'all soon insyaAllah.

The Guessing Game!

Dear Mochas,

So... how's the game ppl?? Inda jua payahh.. hahaha.. Ok, just to recap, the winner of this game will win a bottle of chilli sos maggi (remember the crowd went *Crowd: Waaaaaahhhh!!*) .. so without further a due, here are the tag answers (courtesy of the beautiful tag board) from you ppl:

Sudu - Tag Post 8 Mar 06 16:09 - 1-Yes!!

Stars64 - Tag Post 8 Mar 06 17:12 - 1-Yes!!

Asscurry - Tag Post 8 Mar 06 19:15 - 1-Yes!, 2-Yes!, 3-Haha.. No skurs!, 4- Hahaha.. yea!!, 5-No!

Sudu - Tag Post 8 Mar 06 21:44 - 1-Yes!, 2-Yes!, 3-Yes!, 4-Yes!, 5-Nope!

Sudu - Tag Post 8 Mar 06 21:45 - 5- Yes!!

Bulan - Tag Post 9 Mar 06 06:08 - Hahaha.. Yes!!

And the winner.. of the Chilli Sos Maggi goess tooo (*Drum rolls please*)....

SPOON!!! Yeaa!! Congratulations Spoon for getting all 5 answers correct!! You are now entitled to collect your prize which is a Chilli Sos Maggi.

Click HERE to redeem prize!

and here is the winning picture for all you out there.. better luck next time hehe.. Bye sirenians!

goji what?

We’re off to see the wizard.. the wonderful wizard of Zan. May I just remind all that the black-pepper and mushroom sauce is coming soon. See this space for more announcements. Mr Garfu said “we’ll see about the bouncer”… he says it would be a nice treat for the nephew.. I say yes and nod my head and think.. ‘would be a nice treat for the wife too.. but let’s not be selfish here’…

Cousin’s getting married this Friday (The Nikah) so advance congrats to them. I’ll be getting a new cousin. (Yay! ;p) Who’s my age. A girl cousin my age… finally!

Today – Pilates reminder to those who wanna come and join. 6:30 – 7:30pm. C’mon all u govt workers.. come and join.. kami lagi org private pigi nie even tho tmw kraja hahaha (well not me coz I’m taking the day off tmw lagi ku ketawa) Di Body Challenge ok. Cinta will be there. But not Poison coz she got some marriage arranging to attend to hahahaha. Drem, hope u can make it tonight. Oh there’s a gym there too so if any of you’s wanna bring along ur spouses so they can go gyming for an hour while waiting for our session to finish.

I’m bored. It’s someone’s birthday coming up soon. I hope that someone doesn’t cry too much ok. Maybe next year that someone can celebrate their b’day with us.. or not. Bila kan ko abis ani Mun? Lama lagi kah ko kan dapat that piece of paper that entitles you to look for a job of starting salary scale BND2.2k.

Apply here arah ku ah. Manatau ko dapat. Then you can commute wif me and Poison and maybe even your sister if she’s still in the same area as us. Yes.. yes I know. I’m on a campaign to get all Sirens recruited to my company. (MY?? Prasan)

Hey Drem, any more creative ideas? I wanna play some more!

OK.. just to share wif u coz you guys are my friends and I care about you. Here's something that my family recently started taking as part of their regular food intake.

Read on...

Himalayan Goji Juice

Cold pressed and cold processed Goji Berries (Lycium Barbarum fruit)
Grape juice, Pear juice, Apple juice, Pear puree

Himalayan Goji Juice is a 99.9% pure unpasteurized, pesticide-free, and chill-blended juice. It contains NO added sugar, artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors. To maintain freshness .001% sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate is added.

Top 24 Health Benefits Of Goji
1. Extends life, protecting your body from premature aging
through its powerful antioxidant action
2. Increases your energy and strength, especially when fighting disease
3. Makes you feel and look younger. Goji stimulates the secretion of
hGH (human growth hormone), the "youth hormone."

4. Maintains healthy blood pressure
5. Reduces cholesterol
6. Promotes normal blood sugar in early adult-onset diabetes
7. Enhances sexual function and treats sexual dysfunction
8. Helps you lose weight
9. Relieves headaches and dizziness
10. Relieves insomnia and improves quality of sleep
11. Support eye health and improves your vision
12. Strengthens your heart
13. Improves disease resistance
14. Builds strong blood, enhancing production of red blood cells,
white blood cells and platelets
15. Supports healthy liver function
16. Treats menopausal symptoms
17. Prevents morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy
18. Improves fertility
19. Strengthens your muscles and bones
20. Improves your memory and recall ability
21. Supports normal kidney function
22. Helps chronic dry cough
23. Alleviates anxiety and stress
24. Promotes cheerfulness and brightens your spirit

The last property explains why goji is called the "happy berry." In
fact, it has been noted that the only known side effect of goji is that
continued consumption may make it impossible for you to stop smiling!

For more details visit Goji
If you wanna know how to get it, you can visit Sudu*

*haha gotcha.. u thot it was a link. but it wasn't haha

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


hahahahahah omg drem. when u get crazy.. u really go crazy dont u!! but damn woman.. payah jua eh yg picture of Who's Kicking Who atu.. all i recognize is the black Sirens jersey!

btw guys and dolls.. the return of the mushroom... black pepper and .... spicy beef sauce is making a come back... this saturday.. at u-know-where!!! jeng jeng jeng...

i really want a bouncer. can't we just get a cheap one. just one to jump on and pull down each other pants and take pictures of the victims hahaha and it definitely won't be the hostess.. she's off limits (tapi host bulih)...

thank god nada training today because i wouldn't have made it anyway, sal we need to check out food rations at jangsak kitchen... can't wait for saturday.. gonna watch old home movies of some silly girls on a field running around like chickens wif their heads cut off... and making fun of ppl... and jumping on ppl... oh what fun its gonna be.

oh.. some of you's have been bringing up abt futsal.. NOT YET girls... its on the 3rd and 4th week of march. so now we're still on the 2nd week of march so we have a lonnnng way to go. but hang tight. don't worry i will be reminding you Sirens again...

i went jogging yesterday wif drem.. mr drem and mr sudu hahahah he is now mr sudu bcoz i can run faster than him!! woo hoooo.. and me and drem ran up and down the steps (not the Death Steps that Coach Yup makes us do) but the more easier ones.. we went up and down 5 times.. and we rocked!

hahahahahah puji diri sendiri saja

oops gotta go!

luv u all!

Bored to the Max!!

Dear bloggers,

Before i forget, Nadia kimsalam semua.. she'll be MIA for a month or so.. but she'll be back soon.. so no worries..

I see another familiar face today in the papers!! Basar lagi tu gambarnya.. hehe.. mcm gambar passport ada plang.. hehe. All the best coach.. hope you win!!

Anyways, i got some pics (source: undisclosed) and thought it would be fun if you guys guess the pictures. The winner of this guessing game wins one bottle of chilli sos maggi.. (*crowd sound: waaahhh!!*) So cmon tag ppl.. and may the best winner wins!!! G'luck!!

Picture #1: Who is this model?
Picture #2 (refering to the middle figure): Who posse like this in a recent school play?
Picture #3: Whose forehead is this?

Picture #4: Who is kicking who here?

Picture #5: Whose sets of teeth does this belong to?

Sorry, quality of pics is that lousy.. if only i have photoshop in this PC.. bye sirenians!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

DPMM FC 5 – 1 Kelantan

Was one of the most entertaining matches I have ever seen. Was well worth my 5 bucks. Was well worth it to see our coaches go red in the face possibly because of celebrity stardom culture shock.

Went to Pilates on Saturday with Long Lost Cinta, The Tanker and Poison. Cinta wasn’t kidding when she said this session would really make you sweat. IT DAMN WELL DID. So another well spent 8 bucks.

Back to DPMM home game. DPMM monopolized the 1st half like never before. I don’t know what was in their drinking water but I’ve never been more on the edge of my seat. By the 5th and final goal I wasn’t expecting any more goals when ‘floop’ there went in another goal. If only DPMM can play another match just like this one!

Coach G didn’t live up to his promise of dancing on the field before the match nor running around the field. Nanti kita!

OK.. here it is. The event you’ve all been waiting for.

The Sirens Victory BBQ will be held (jeng jeng jeng)

Friday 17th March, 2006.

At Garfu and Sudu’s Residence in Jangsak
No. 15, Spg 806
7pm onwards

So if you can make it.. please come and be vain one more time!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sudu gone Bananas

I love you all

OK girls. Here it is....

First Pilates class of the month for us will be at....
BodyChallenge at Athirah - Batu Satu
Time: 1630hrs - 1730hrs
Price: BND8 / class
Oops.. sorry ladies. I forgot the day and date (banar jua nya cFaith atu ah) hehehehe so anyway, it's tomorrow aka Saturday 4th March, 2006..

Toodle loo...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

...baru 2 hari

it's only been 2 days, i thought longer!!?

i am now in El En Gee and well not loving it but also not hating it. that's why I haven't been blogging. eleeeh baru jua sehari inda memblog sdh tah prasan ku mcm lama... awu awu.. pandai ku memblog dlm bahasa melayu baaah. kelamuan jua cakap omputih saja atu. ketani and warganegara Brunei. Baik tah ketani gunakan lidah ibu atu (mother tongue)...

so yesterday i came to the new office and had to wait for someone to pick me up from the security section coz they cant just let ppl in here. so lama tah ku menunggu. ada 20mins kali.. so im sitting there and watching ppl like how we watch fish in an aquarium.. macam2 org ku liat.. tapi inda la ku liat mcm menantang.. i look and smile jua la. tapi bari malu jua la sal im holding on to one big bag filled with lunchbox, drinkbottle and cardigan macam org kan baru start first day of school saja.

then lunch time came.. tanpa ku sedari.. and baik jua ada org ingat aku baru start keraja di sini. cousin d Racun (Poison).. so ia tah membawa ke canteen nya. The food was good. But then again, after 6 months of the same food I'm sure I'm gonna get sick of it. Disini.. orang suka lia orang. And the community is so small here ppl tend to know who's new. So yesterday was my turn being the newbie again. It's not such a good feeling. Like I have to control myself so ppl don't know immediately how annoying I am. So Faith.. remember how u were feeling the other day.. well..I'm right back where u were. I'm glad ure getting along now wif ur colleagues.

My colleagues, inda jua jahat inda jua luan baik. Sederhana la. Baik jua sdh tu la. Bersyukur... just need time to get to know the a little more. Macam sunyi kadang2 sal selalunya ada jua becerita2 sma Poison dulu kan but now here ppl are always doing work. So macam payah jua kan membuka cerita disini. Karang kana ucap nynyah macam Poison.. so i refrain jua from opening my mouth when not necessary hahahahahahaahahaah unlike Poison tapi siok bah klu Poison becerita penuh emosi ani wah. Now nada org buatkan oren campur.. nada org panggil ke biliknya suruh coaching. . nada org kan bawa ke Town beli jeans/CD's/DQ icecream...

Tadi I lunch d canteen again with a different group of people. This time wif colleagues from my dept. They're nice.. I mean nice enough to bring me to lunch. I guess overall here ppl are friendly and want to mingle unlike some other places.

So this'll be my new home for the next 9 months. I hope I'm gonna fit in well here.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Is that Azzah? Or not?

Dear Mochas,

I spotted this pic on the papers today.. I heard azzah playing in a drama at skool.. is this her? hehe.. yea.. nada keraja ku anie.. ambil gambar saja dari BB.. hehehhe

Laters sirenians..


My colleagues n i left our office at 8am this morning and was given the morning off *alhamdulillah* and we were given permission to come in to our office at 2pm instead of 1 *double alhamdulillah* but i still havent caught up on my sleep.. i slept 2hrs last nite n another 2hrs this morning at home.. so another 4 hrs of sleep 2 catch up on...

at least our work last nite atu was very satisfactory *triple alhamdulillah* so dat we dont have 2 do another late night anymore... Kami preparedpulang sudah kan tidur sini, bawa clothes, toiletries, extra underware, etc etc etc...

I keep on yawning every 5 mins!! inda apa.. only 15mins left till i can go off.. hehehe

skali kan, colleague kmi ani tanya kmi tadi bah if i heard anything or seen anything and i sed no,which i dont think i did... then he asked me if i slpet well n i sed i slept ok.. so i asked him y.. lama2 baru tah ia mau bagitau.. apparently d security gaurd downstairs saw "something".... to think me n my fren went 2 d basement which was really2 dark at 12++ midnite!! n we went 2 d balcony at 4++am!!! talursss!!! n now after he told me tau paranoid tah kami nah!! when i went 2 d toilet tadi liat2 pulang kmi disiring2... talurs!

ok i'm gonna do somework now b4 i go home... kami mau pulang!!
