
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

cure for sleepiness.

Is there any way i can keep myself from sleeping? please someone, anyone, if you've got a suggestion... don't be afraid to voice it out. i am sooo sleepy i dunno if i can sit up anymore. i am THIS close to slumping down in my chair and just start snoring!!!

the day is so drowsy. all i can think about is my nice cozy bed. i didn't even eat that much during lunch i dunno why the sudden fatigue. maybe coz it's thursday. my body must know there's only one working day left to go so it's prolly going into relax-mode. no Body! Stop Body! don't relax yet Body.. otherwise how will i get through tomorrow. tomorrow lagi cia panjang lunch hour. ooooh to go home and sleep. but i wanna also go to pilates later. i must i must bcoz last saturday sdh i missed it.

yesterday training. there was only myself, drem, scurry, kai and the triplets. well not really the triplets coz cMas wasn't there. we had a 3 on 3 street game. oh and me and Scurry made a new friend hahahahahah. pikir ku tah andang kawan Scurry tapi rupanya first time lovers tu, i mean first time friends. tapi mesra ani wah. her name rhymes wif mine. no, not Sudu, my real name.

hahah i give u a day wif scurry whoever can guess the name. excluding u scurz. coz u can't gues and win a day wif urself. unless ure desperate. which i assure u ure not coz u got better company in the form of drem and yours truly!

a friendly reminder:
next friday is the day of futsal at jkr starting from 5-8pm
be there or be square (how lame)
oh and bring $3 each ok.

please, if you know someone who doesn't have the link to this blog and its someone who i don't have contact numbers which are nadJ, SyU, emaH, ummI.. please someone let them know ok! coz poor syU thot she wasn't invited to the bbq last saturday. syU.. syU.. syU.. why would i invite the others but not u hehehe kasian her msg to me on friendster. anywayz...

me love u long time sirens hahaha

Who Am I ?
(a spin-off from the popular game Character of the Week muahahahahahahah)

She initially started playing on the defensive. But then she quickly showed her true potential in midfield. She put in an amazing goal from the middle of the field during a match against Drgnflys Utd in the Dragonfly Cup September of 2005. She looks good in pink *wink wink* but now she claims blue is the new pink. She's a modern day Florence Nightingale.

Sirens.. can you guess who I am?


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