
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Bday KIANNA!

Faith...nama si K yang sah and betul dlm i.c nya is KIANNA lah! hehehehhe...

Happy birthday K! Wish we could celebrate with u 2day, but never mind, if you come to JKR on Friday, maybe you will get a lil surprise! hehehehhe! (Any excuse for eating cake is good kan!).

Anyway m bck in the homeland now. I heard abt the 'news' when I was away. I don't know the full details of the khutbah plg, but this is my humble opinion. I don't think it's such a good interpretation of hukum. Islam gives our religious scholars a means to interpret application of hukum syara' through a number of ways like ijtihad and qiyas, but kan, with this particular hukum, u dun even have to use those means. The hukum says women should not menyerupai lelaki. Just because we play what used to be a game only played by men, doesn't mean tani menyerupai lelaki! We still look like girls, think like girls, feel like girls and play like girls! Urghh emosi kami eh! I won't go on, but i don't understand why they had to get all riuh about this. Lelaki yg menyerupai girls nda durang riuh kan yg u blatantly see d jln2 ah! And are men and women really not allowed to do activities which usually one sex does kah??? So men should not cook cos it's a woman thing??? What about chefs?? Nabi SAW menolong bininya memasak jua!

Isshhhhh.....ok i won't go on cos i think we r all upset abt this kan. Anyway, for now, tani sabar saja and lay low as G said. But we'll be back....jgn garage sale jual stupur dulu eh my Lop!


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