
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

...baru 2 hari

it's only been 2 days, i thought longer!!?

i am now in El En Gee and well not loving it but also not hating it. that's why I haven't been blogging. eleeeh baru jua sehari inda memblog sdh tah prasan ku mcm lama... awu awu.. pandai ku memblog dlm bahasa melayu baaah. kelamuan jua cakap omputih saja atu. ketani and warganegara Brunei. Baik tah ketani gunakan lidah ibu atu (mother tongue)...

so yesterday i came to the new office and had to wait for someone to pick me up from the security section coz they cant just let ppl in here. so lama tah ku menunggu. ada 20mins kali.. so im sitting there and watching ppl like how we watch fish in an aquarium.. macam2 org ku liat.. tapi inda la ku liat mcm menantang.. i look and smile jua la. tapi bari malu jua la sal im holding on to one big bag filled with lunchbox, drinkbottle and cardigan macam org kan baru start first day of school saja.

then lunch time came.. tanpa ku sedari.. and baik jua ada org ingat aku baru start keraja di sini. cousin d Racun (Poison).. so ia tah membawa ke canteen nya. The food was good. But then again, after 6 months of the same food I'm sure I'm gonna get sick of it. Disini.. orang suka lia orang. And the community is so small here ppl tend to know who's new. So yesterday was my turn being the newbie again. It's not such a good feeling. Like I have to control myself so ppl don't know immediately how annoying I am. So Faith.. remember how u were feeling the other day.. well..I'm right back where u were. I'm glad ure getting along now wif ur colleagues.

My colleagues, inda jua jahat inda jua luan baik. Sederhana la. Baik jua sdh tu la. Bersyukur... just need time to get to know the a little more. Macam sunyi kadang2 sal selalunya ada jua becerita2 sma Poison dulu kan but now here ppl are always doing work. So macam payah jua kan membuka cerita disini. Karang kana ucap nynyah macam Poison.. so i refrain jua from opening my mouth when not necessary hahahahahahaahahaah unlike Poison tapi siok bah klu Poison becerita penuh emosi ani wah. Now nada org buatkan oren campur.. nada org panggil ke biliknya suruh coaching. . nada org kan bawa ke Town beli jeans/CD's/DQ icecream...

Tadi I lunch d canteen again with a different group of people. This time wif colleagues from my dept. They're nice.. I mean nice enough to bring me to lunch. I guess overall here ppl are friendly and want to mingle unlike some other places.

So this'll be my new home for the next 9 months. I hope I'm gonna fit in well here.


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