
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Friday, March 17, 2006

said and done

I'm just so sad. The way things are going now, I don't think I have any more room for anger. I was angry earlier this afternoon but now I don't have any more anger left in me.

Sometimes it sucks just to have to sit back and take what is given. To just keep quiet when you have an opinion yourself. And don't everyone's opinions count? To be discriminating is so easy. But to be fair, now that takes a lot of work.

I don't mind if they want to make changes if certain things are a sight for sore eyes. But offer constructive criticisms. How often are we in positions where we are scolded for doing something wrong, and thrown abusive insults? Have you ever noticed how often (or not) that we are given helpful suggestions in order to better ourselves?

you can't blame me for getting angry. and you can't blame me for wanting to talk about it. you wanna know why it hurts so much? because no one can do anything about it. yeah, it'll blow over but at least let me have my opinions. just listen to what i have to say, ok you can't change anything, but just listen. u don't have to put me down for having such opinions. since when were opinions against the law? since when were opinions a crime?

and don't tell me i'm making a big deal. i don't tell u ure making a big deal over something which i think isn't such a big deal. so think before u speak. bcoz when u speak, people have the courtesty to listen. so why can't u extend the same courtesy. it's people that u least expect to get hurt that do get hurt. stop a while. and reflect.

i'll blog about what i want to blog. if i dont like something ill talk about it. sometimes i dont need people to agree with me. sometimes an ear is just enough. bcoz i know some things are unfixable. so why bother arguing anyway. just let a girl grieve about what's happened. just give me that.

what's said is said. and what will be done will be done.


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