
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Pilates on saturday? hmmmmmmmmm mesti di pikirkan dulu ni coz sat nite is my date nite so after pilates n bean di mana tah kami kan mandi tu? di mana tah kami kan blow dry rambut dan segala2 nya tu? SO my ans 2 suds is, if AM is not in d country baru tah kami join eh! hehehe

So anyways its 9.30 can u believe it i'm still in my office!! crazeee apa? so guys this is y i cant go 4 training anymore coz work takes 2 much time and since kami ani masih probation kan, i have 2 perform bah! hati ani mau kan pigi training tapi caanaaa?? hmmmph

oh btw, god it sucks when df won!!! but its alright laaah... apa nya suds, inda kan tani saja kan menang.. if we win all d time, we wont have a chance to improve.. n krg we'll b big headed!! mcm that so called team who thinks they can fly kan, they think they r so high n mighty just bcoz they're in dat team... Puh-lease!!!! *eye rolling*

God i'm so mean n jahat!!! well maybe dats y my lips is swollen at this point!! erk!! something bit my lip early yday morning n by d end of the day yday my top right lip looks like angelina jolie's lip only uglier!! talursss!!! i hope my dear cuz E13 have my meds later!!

bah over n out!! i need 2 continue doing my werk!!


p.s. Suds: tadi kan kami ke BSP n i was hoping 2 bump into u.... i know i know "basar kali ah BSP atu" but no harm in hoping kan? kekekeke

for the shopaholic in you

hey guys! we were bored.. and found this site on multiply. check it out.

oh and scurry and drem.. nanti kamu... ingat anak tailen inda pandai cakap melayu kah?? huh?? not that I am one.. but I am defending all those Thai kids who come from malay/thai marriages *apakanz* what am i babbling about???

Apa ke benda tu??

Hello everybody. I'm in hyper-wanna-get-fit mode today. Me and Poison SOOO wanna start up Pilates again! So we're inviting everybody and anybody who's interested to join with us.

Pilates is really fun! Especially if you do it with a bunch of your friends! Like I remember the last time we had pilates sessions we had such a good time coz the next time we saw each other we couldn't laugh because our stomach still hurt from the last pilates class we took.

Anyway, Poison checked out this place d Kiarong atas Top Bake salnya I ter-baca dalam salah seorang punya blog yang amat meminati tiga taris bahawa ada sebuah tempat yang mengajar Pilates yang sangat baik disana. Anyway, Poison mau tah kesana to check it out kan, sekalinya tadi pagi ia gtau aku MAHAAAAAL harganya. Imagine.. BND190 untuk 6 class sahaja. SAHAJA!!! Eh hampa ku eh. Aynyway kami start thinking about the last place tempat ketani Pilates atu kan and we thought, why not start sana again. Last time masalahnya pasal inda cukup orang so macam makin mahal bayarannya so inda tah org mau lagi pigi kan kan kan!?!

So talking about money let's clarify it here now...

Price *k'ching.. k'ching*

We try to get at least 10 ppl to join our group that way we only pay BND5 a session which also equal to BND20 sebulan. Nah kan, ok kan tu?

So currently kami kan cuba runding Pilates classes untuk setiap hari Saturday in the afternoon. Tempatnya d Batu Besurat (bangunan mengadap Ahan Thai - its on the 1st floor called AktivFitness) Hopefully kamu semua dapat free kan schedule kamu.

So, I know maybe some of you not sure apa pilates ani, and aku pun not sure jua how to explain. So I went online to do some research. And these are some results I got.

Definition of Pilates:

Popular exercise regimen that uses special stretches (and machines - but it's ok, we don't use machines, we just use our body)

Benefits of Pilates:

Through Pilates and professional care you can change stress and strain harmful patterns.
You can discover more efficient patterns of movement
You can naturally and easily re-educate your spine, joints and muscles to move together more efficiently.
You can release tension.
Your posture can improve.
You can sit more comfortably.
You can become stronger.
You can move with greater ease and less strain.
You can feel better or even better than ever.
Emphasizing flexibility and overall strength over body bulk

Probably one of the most important questions you all are dying to ask...

Can I lose weight with Pilates?

Pilates will help to strengthen and build muscle increasing your metabolism therefore improving calorie burning capabilities. Some type of cardiovascular exercise is recommended in addition to Pilates for a well balanced work out.

So in other words, don't stop other exercise but this Pilates can surely help give you added benefits. Ingat, ketani kan mau jadi lebih kuat on the field kan. So that klu opponent kan menyiggung ketani or menolak ketani (tanpa mendapat apa2 foul pun dari referee yang buta) ketani bulih lawan balik. So to our strikers, join lah kami! *muahahahaa* Also, remember how we're always a little slow to react when ketani dapat bula, I think Pilates ani makes our body more flexible so that when we do activities our body pun more flexible and more proactive so that we react more quicker... do you get what I mean kah? I hope so la...

So please let me know ok. Coz if all goes well, we can start by this coming Saturday...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sirens Victory BBQ

Football.. that’s the name of the game. Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. But let’s face it, would it really be fun to always be on the up every single time? We wouldn’t improve. We wouldn’t be motivated. We would take everything for granted. And we would certainly get a little too big headed for our own good, right?

It’s just one tournament. At least we’ve got a few titles under our belt. So that’s something to be proud of. So now, we know our weakness, lets try to rectify them.

On a happier note…

Sirens Victory BBQ


So not on the 4th March (next week) because DPMM home game right.

So how about the next Saturday which is March 11th. I know it’s someone’s birthday and they can’t come jua but I’m sorry!!! Ah ah Miss Down Under hehehehe awwww…

Or the 25th…which is the last Saturday of the month. Sama2 menyambut Siren’s Birthday jua tarus. So how? When’s the best day for you??? You tell me!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

..all by myself...

Ho ho ho.. am sitting here all ALONE.. waiting for people to get here, if they’ll even get here anytime soon. If not it’s just me, wif my laptop and my regular ice blended mocha. Poor old me. Yes… alone.. singular.. solo.. individual.

OK so I’ll just surf by myself then. U know sitting here alone. Brings back so many memories. But most of the memories are also bringing back audio memories as well. Did you realize Sirens like being loud and noisy. I mean, it’s just not us if we don’t make noise isn’t it.

OK, Miri was exhausting yesterday. A thousand apologies for not making it to training yesterday but around 5pm Friday afternoon I was currently still at Boulevard Mall deciding whether or not to get that blouse from U2 or not.

But believe me when I say that I did bring my gear in the car hahaha sia sia pun saja ah!!!

OK.. so Scurry just called to say she’s gonna be late. OK I’m not totally that disconnected from the world and that’s a relief. OH and Drem said she’s gonna be late, stuck doing work… on a SATURDAY Drem? You workaholic!!!

Oh and good luck to Mr Drem who’s got a friendly match today.. *I think* well that’s what Drem said when he couldn’t make it to Bean later.

Sleep early tonight girls, eat light and lay off the caffeine.

We’re gonna have fun tomorrow!!!!

Oh ya Kit's here!! Yay....

"..all by myself"

Guess who is in the papers (again!) haha

Dear Mochas,

Awubah.. nada mood kan mem-blog aku ani.. just posting some pics (copyright Media Permata) hehe.. and to those who didn't manage to see how the Focx Tourney's cup looks like.. i've also posted it here for your convenience.. hehehe..

Coach Strawberry

Balkis and the Focx Cup (plus few others)

All the best Sirenians for Sunday!! Don't forget to have fun.. :) laterss...

Friday, February 24, 2006

banar kah tu?

Banar kah tu? Yeah dat was d thought dat was running thru my head when i got d msg frm E13!! I had to read it 3 times before it could sink in!! I tried to look normal as i was at that time at a nikah function.. takut krg groom nya ani pikir ia salah ckp if ia nampak my face tekajut or in awe!!

So girls, another tough sunday ahead but u know wat, i believe u all can do it lah!! i believe! i believe! i believe!! Keep up wat u guys have been doing all this time, have fun n play as a team!!!

All teams will be pressured and we have an added weight on our back defending our DF champions and Kirana League champions title.. Dragonfly will be more pressured trying to prove that they are indeed worthy of the cup, and also pressured to make sure they dun mess up n lose out on a penalty shoot out lagi! Flamingos will be pressured to show dat they are indeed d no 1 team, according to a so-so website!! so ppl everybody will b under a lot of pressure, not just us!

please take note *apakan* that i will not be able to attend d morning games as i have a wedding function to go to in SERIA *hmph* but insyallah i will try to rush and make it for teh afternoon games. I will be sokong-ing in my hearts n soul for u guys!!! Like QB i would like to request for an update on d scores ya.. hehehe

on d last note, menang atau kalah atu adat permainan, yg penting u all have fun on d field!!! okies!!!


Thursday, February 23, 2006


ok girls. no blog from me tomorrow as i will not be at werk. hopefully ill make it to training. phew, had a look at the tournie schedule for Sunday (d'uh.... mcm banyak saja tournie bunyinya) and wowie.. we got our work cut out for us. But I so very very da much agree with G.

I think we're thinkiing too hard abt this tournie. Look girls, esp to those who've never played in a competitive tournie before. the most important part is to have fun ok. we've done our best for the last Kirana Cup.. we know we can play competitively and give a lot of attitude on and off the field but lets not forget the FUN FACTOR here.

we're supposed to bond as a team so lets try not to get too stressed out. there'll be some new players in our midst lets try to give them a big welcome and a big boost of confidence for their first tournie matches.

and whatever we do, we are SIRENS. no one is out on the field ALONE. we WORK together so if one does badly.. we ALL do badly and if one does well we ALL do spectacularly.

Let's reinstate how fun this game is. Why? Because it is. Somewhere along the line, some of us have forgotten what made us want to play football in the first place. I wanted to play because I just got a buzz from being on the green (sometimes sandy, sometimes muddy) field and having that chance to connect 100% with the ball. i know i'm not the best player, I know i don't have as much skill as other footballers, but one thing for sure i can say on behalf of myself and that's I LOVE THIS GAME as much as the next person.

So, if you have this in common with me and you're playing with me this Sunday. Then, I'll definitely be proud to play side by side with you.

Bulan.. we dedicate this Sunday to you babe!

May the force be with us!!!

The Schedule


Alrity girls....just came back from the Manager's Meeting for the Focx Tournament...take a deep breath dulu before you read on...The grouping for the tournament are as follows:-

(Highlight the blank space below...then you can see the groups...supaya kamu suspen....)

Group A

Group B
Projek Ikan Pusu
Kaizoku Kings
Focx United
Manggis Angels

I heard so many comments from the other teams...our group has many tough teams to beat. But as I said like you normally do...don't be too careful sampai berubah mainan kamu...and jangan luan di pikirkan MESTI MANANG sampai te stress stress, of course we want to win, but don't let those feelings effect the game you're playing.....what's important, u put your hearts into the game and focus....and show that we can!

Please be at the field at 7.30 a.m latest....even though our first game will be at 8.40...I don't want us to be kalangkabut.....

Ok the very best of luck to us all....

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The famous coach strawberry - 220206

Dear Mochas,

Eh tau ku jeans atu tu!! Kemarin ada ku nampak wah.. hahaha.. marung jua coach anie.. it's only a friendly match bah.. hehehe
Bah atu saja.. hehe.. Bye Sirenians


Yesterday’s training was damn tiring. Ran around the Belapan (but this time from outside the sports hostels) passed Belapan swimming pool and ended up at our least favourite spot.

The Stairs. *jeng jeng jeng*

Did the usual 10 ups and downs. With many many complaining from little wounded Sirens. Poor Kay and Aneng couldn’t moan much about their pains coz the rest of the other Sirens would just take advantage of the situation and moan and whine like desperate freaks we are just to get out of doing drills.

But alas.. Coach Strawberry had no mercy for us yesterday. Perhaps it was because a particular Siren kept on bullying him for wearing jeans for the first time during training. No mercy indeed as Sirens had to endure the cone exercises. No ifs and no buts. We all had to do it.

G’s poor baby was repeatedly beaten up and abused by irresponsible people who would only ‘ask for their ball back’.

It was good running yesterday and good to see other faces than the usual Monday crowd. Today training at Girl Guides/Pandu Puteri grounds or in Coach Strawberry’s words ‘the Scout area’.

QB – I guess you couldn’t stand being in your room all day. You finally broke down and gave in to the super powers AKA BurgerKing Power. I wondered how long before you were gonna blog abt The King!!! I can almost taste it. If we win the Focx Cup will you bring us back the franchise? (Bukan lagi burger tu, mau the actual franchise jua bah).

Moon – so glad to hear from you and I almost cried. Chin up babe, we’ll all be here for you when you get back. Hahaha I was scratching my head a lil when you mentioned wearing your Hawaiian bikini hahaha but now I remember hahaha awww who am I gonna be mean with nanti? But then again the quacky manager won’t be there during the tournie as his team inda masuk.

Aliaa - so sorry didn't realise your bday was a day before Azzah. But hope you don't mind a belated shout out.

Anyway.. I’m itching to go to training later eh, tapi sakit plg badan today. Maklumlah aku ani sdh.. apa nya Drem ani “tua bangkang” (??) LOL

Bah adang tah dulu. Kan ke KB dulu. Tarus ke Miri.. bye GarFuuuuuu hahhaha awu wah dun cry.... i'm only kidding!

January Babies
6th - Zaraura
13th - Mimie
21st - Balkis & Tuding
February Babies
20th - Aliaa
21st - Azzah
March Babies
11th - Muneerah
22nd - Khianna
28th - **Sirens**
April Babies
6th - Aneng
21st - Yani
May Babies
11th - Zuraidah
21st - Juju
24th - Coach Ali
June Babies
13th - Ebih
July Babies
10th - Sudu
August Babies
3rd - Suhaila
12th - Kit
21st - Nani
September Babies
2nd - Fadzillah
6th - Muhdyah
November Babies
6th - Noormz

for the first time

HOlaaaaa sirens!!! Ok my 1st blog in here.. dulu kan i remember d 1st time i blogged but invitation from Cinta.. i didnt know wat 2 write (not dat i do now hehe) n she was tellin me how fun it is n everything.. i think i kinda believe her now... coz mcm kami d ofis ani kalau kami bored i start 2 write n read ppl's blog!! especially when i'm bored i think 4 times a day kali kami check blog kamu!!! haha LOSER kan!!! haha

how r u all doin? i'm ok just bored!!! so 2 d rest of u pls blog so i can fill in my boredom!!!

oh bila lagi training?

Sudu: Thanks for the invite!

Sucrry: Mana tia picture of "My Man" ani???

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Loving Burger King

Today I am ‘Yani No-Mates’ blogging from Burger King! Thanks to Singtel, I can use the wireless internet access here for FREEEEE! Sod paying $28 at the hotel! Baik kami duduk2 mkn swiss mushroom burger d sini while using the internet for no money at all (xcpt for the price of my burger!) hehehehhehe…. R y’all drooling thinking abt my burger?? :p

Anyway, HAPPY BDAY to fellow 21st baby, Azzah! And happy bday to Aliiyah for ystrdy! Semoga jadi budak2 yg baik yeeee nakkkkkk! Faith, u wd be surprised just how many Sirens are 21st babies!

Scurry, sorry kami dc tadi ah, tangah2 tani chat pasal stupur ah. When I get a chance to go to Paragon I will let u know ah. Wat size again? (Yes, yes, I knooooowww XTRA WIDE!!). Eh if kamu mau kan, u shd ask the bday girl to ask her bro for his discount card for mizuno. I think u get 20% off if pakai card atu. And my Lop, m still waiting for u to come here to cook for me and wash my goldplated underwear 4 me! Hehehheeh….

I dun hv much to story2 sebenarnya, the work thing is going well though. It’s good experience for me anyway and our lawyer here kicks ass.

M getting updates abt training, tourney etc frm G. Y’all better train hard this week! And as usual, dun underestimate the other teams. Eh jgn lupa minta ajar how use ur body ah to defend yourselves cos I dun wan u girls to FLY lagi d padang!

K I better go now. Lama sdh kami d Burger King ani. They’ll start to think I own this place soon!


Come on Sirens, lets do it one more time. Let's put our energy together for one more tournie to end the first quarter of 2006 with a big bang. I know you're all tired and prolly put off from spending another day under the hot sun. But, hey.. we have fun together don't we?

G's right, there are alot of tough teams in this tournie but we've played them all at least once or twice before. The most important thing is to keep it fun. It doesn't have to be a Do-or-Die tournament. Just give it your best shot.

Yes, there are a couple of teams we haven't played before so the most important lesson we can learn from the flying girls is NEVER UNDERESTIMATE any team. No matter how badly they play, no matter how badly they lose. You just never know, luck might be on their side and they can score 2 goals in the second half - the last goal in the last 30 seconds before the final whistle blows and then have to go into penalty shoot out and then the better team on paper may lose! I mean, not that this has happened ever before. But it could you know. You just never know.

So lets go into this tournie with a pure heart, hoping for nothing but the best and play it clean girls. Coz like I always say... " (blank) "

(haha i love that Dick and Jane movie)

On another note, let us all give a shout out to Azzah coz it's her birthday today!!! Happy birthday babe. Rajin2 training, rajin2 belajar.. inda lagi lama O's...

Update on Sudu, Scurry and Drem are in Multiply baaah hahaha, iatah nah..

Next update: will be updated by Scurry

The Teams

Last night I met Focx's coach and got the list of teams participating in the coming it goes:-

Manggis Angels
We Can Fly
Project Ikan Pusu
Kiziuko King (team Maharaja FC bini2 kali ah..??)

We've never played against Rajawali and Kiziuko King ani...a new we don't know how good they are....but nvm...tani kan si antam!! Soooo...train hard girls....and good luck to us all.

Monday, February 20, 2006

less than an hour away..

Dear Mochas,

I so do not feel like working today.. it's a monday.. and i just feel lazy today.. i thought it was only the morning bit.. but noo.. sampai patang lah.. so i'm counting the minutes before i change my work clothes to go training later - less than an hour away... yea!

Yani.. how's up there yan? Boring eh.. i wanna go to singapore too!! then, like skurs, i can help you around as well.. hehehehe.. mana mahal aku anie.. just give me a return ticket to singapore + free acommodation + free makan + bayarkan access luggage (just in case).. atuuu saja... mana banyak kan? hahahaha

Moon.. how's the weather down there?? sorry bout the late thing bit at the airport moon.. was over-estimating your journey from your home to the airport.. udah ku balik ke rumah.. baru tah ku prasan - how short and straight the distance is from your place to the airport.. sorry moon.. hope your flight was ok.. all the best for your studies sana.. berabis tah ko belajar sana.. udah ko balik.. relek saja.. play play football with us.. miss u moon!!

Less than 45 minutes away... yes!! The day is almost over!!

Sudu- haha.. bangas udah multiply pics masa puasa atu eh.. but no worries.. since i didn't have 'MUCH' work today.. i made some nice comments.. hehehe.. and to garfu.. can we have bouncer slide saja?? it's much much more fun.. puhhllleeeeeaaassseeee???

Skurs- you're in the same boat as i am kan? malas kan buat work today as well.. i think it's just today.. Oh yea.. i forgot to tell you.. i googled our old english teacher skurs!! i think he's at dubai now.. teaching at a women's college.. nanti tah ku bagi ko link atu.. idup panya masih.. hehehehe.

Oh, oh, for those working ppl, there's a public holiday this thursday.. yipee!! If only i can take a holiday on friday... ahhh.. heaven.. a long weekend udah tu eh..

G- so looking forward for the charity match!! mari kita tengok siapa yang kena!! Hahaha.. apakan?

So c ya later sirenians... power to the people!! haha

next post: 'The boat that toppled over'. Stay tune at! *hehe*

Announcement: FUTSAL in March

After having received approval from our Manager, I hereby am pleased to invite all SIRENS and SIRENS affiliates* to two (2) futsal sessions in the month of March.

Please note and mark in your calendar the following days for Futsal

March 24th - Friday (4 weeks and 4 days from now)
time: 5-8pm
March 27th - Monday (5 weeks from now)
time: 7-10pm

Venue for both days will be at JKR Futsal Court - BSB

Payment terms:
BND$3.00 (cash only)

A reminder:
It is in March and not February. I will happily remind all Sirens and affiliates again on a weekly basis.

*This includes all three coaches, managers and boyfriends/partners/spouses who wish to play.

Thank you.

as it was...

This is how my day started

GarFu said.. “uh wake up.. don’t u have work?
I thought to myself “NO!!! not in the middle of the night!!!
What I said out loud was “huh.. what time is it????

Sudu looks at her alarm clock and froze up for a moment. It was 0555hrs on a Monday morning! How could she not remember turning off her alarm?? How could she have just gone back to sleep again without feeling guilty! You know what I think? I think it’s a conspiracy! I really do! Someone doesn’t want her to go to work! The truth is out there people!

Well.. our favourite Moon has now gone down under. Let us know when u arrive Mun.. hope your flight was smooth and speedy! I can understand how Crème feels. I mean, not only aren’t we going to see Muh because she has to concentrate on her exams but we’re also losing Mun til June. But it’s ok.

***Pursue your studies first ok Sirens, then you can have fun later!!***

QB-ster… ur lingerie.. goldplated izzit? So mahal hahaha

Update on Sirens Victory BBQ
It was tentatively going to be held on 4th March, but may have to be postponed again because of DPMM home game that night.

So when do I think the BBQ will take place. Well, GarFu had an idea, how about we tarus celebrate kan with Sirens Birthday. I mean, we can’t exactly celebrate it on March 28th itself coz that’s a Tuesday, but how about a Saturday before it? Let’s say either March 11th or 25th. (Sorry March 18th no can do as my COUSIN is getting married.. y’all know who I’m talking about…) Anyway.. so those are the options. Can we get a vote in soon? Me and GarFu are sooo excited abt this BBQ. Actually I think he’s more excited. Depending on how we fare budget-wise.. he might even get me a bouncer!!! But lets cross our fingers on that one.
Due to geographical differences with the Queen and the Moon. I have once again updated Multiply with pictures which I hope will cure the disease plaguing our Royalty and our lady in the heavens.
Take care of yourself girls!
Next update: Fun with Scurry and Sudu and Drem

Jengg Jengg Jengggg

Ok peeps...sah konpom tak syak lagi our charity match will be on 26th February 2006 at SNHB, 8.15 p.m. B-League All Stars squad will be as follows:-

Major Dr Baharin Hj Bintang

Mohd Ali Mustafa (Yeahhhh....!!!!)
Rosanan Samak Abdullah (We can flyyyy...!)
Nordin Tujuh

Player List
Azman Ilham (QAF)
Mohd Safari Wahit (QAF)
Ito Dan (QAF)
Ak Kamarulariffin Pg Ramblee (QAF)
Hardy Bujang (QAF)
Riwandi Wahit (QAF)
Vivian Francis Bayong (QAF)
Amzar Muaz Tamit (AH United)
Brian Iman Bothwell (AH United)
Pg Sallehudin Pg Hj Damit (AH United)
Irwan Mohammad (AH United)
Fardillah Ali (ABDB)
Ak Mahale Pg Hj Sulaiman (ABDB)
Mohd Roy Suhardy Hanifah (ABDB)
Zulkifli Duraman (Wijaya FC)
Mohd Radzi Tamat (Jerudong FC)
Ade Arsham Muhd Salleh (March United)
Azmanuddin Hj Gillen A.K.A Awg Damit (Sabina)

Ok sekian laporan dari Urusetia B-League 2005/2006...makacihhhhhhh!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

QB reporting from Singapore

Greetings from Singapore!

Firstly, I wd like to say…..WOOOHOOOO! LIVERPOOL MENANGGGGG!!! :p hehehehhehehehehehe….

Secondly, I m bored and homesick here in Spore. I seriously do not like living in a hotel room and not getting home-cooked food! ~Looooonellllyyyy! ~ am sooooo lonelyyyyy!~ Inda siok kali ah, jln2 and mkn sorang ani! I have a fab view of the durian (Esplanade), Boat Quay, the Supreme Court etc from my room on the 46th floor , but NO BREAKFAST INCLUDED!!! Sasak jua kami tu! Oh and u know wat, it costs $4.50 to wash 1 bra or undies thru the hotel laundry! Paloi! God help me, another 13 days to go.....

Anyway, Sudu, I will be back in the afternoon on 4th March so BBQ, here I come!! Victory BBQ tu ah! AMINNNNNN!

Eh siok jua ada charity match atu ah. But I’m gonna miss it! Boohoohoo! And I am gonna miss watching the tourney. Hope all goes well. I know u girls can do it.

Can somebody pls post some pics 4 me to look at? *looking at Sudu* M looking fwd to looking at Scurry’s Man’s pics too! K I m outta here. Pls can all of u blog regularly to amuse me….thx!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Give and thou shall receive!!

Ok peeps...B-League 2005 / 2006 season will be ending soon and we at the office so like publicity..NOT!!! Soooo....before B-League ends...we were thinking of organising a charity match to collect funds for local needy organisations (awuu wahh nda ku tau apa exact terms nya!). We have been crashing our heads to think of which team kan dilagakan we came up with B-LEAGUE ALL STARS vs DPMM FC!!!!

We'll be picking the best player from some teams from Division 1 and 2....with some imports jua Insya Allah. I hope this match will attract crowds...and hope you gals will come and support NIAT MURNI kami ani...and don't forget to bring moneyyy to derma!!! Usin pacah pun...pacah lahhh!!!! At the same time, it's just our way to relieve a whole year of stress jua...ngalihhh laiiii menjalankan B-League ani, it ain't easy at all...ppl saja sanang cakap B-League fixtures nda consistent lah bla bla bla...cuba buat sendiri...then tau. It's also our way of showing that by organising B-League, we've been able to produce good and talented players to represent the country in international M-League.'s planned to take place on 26th February 2006 at Stadium Negara Hassanal Bolkiah...I'll update again if there'll be any changes made. So gurls...pls come and memeriahkan lagi majlis aighttt!!!

Wanted: Receptionist

Criteria: Must be loud, must be inquisitive to the point of being rude. Must know how to ask embarassing questions in booming voice so that patients in other wards can hear. Must possess face that can give you chills down your spine. Must be able to make patients feel like they are back in school about to see the principal for punishment.

Ever noticed how some receptionists can make you feel like you were 10 years old again? This receptionist which I had the greatest opportunity to meet today did exactly that. Didn't exactly alleviate any tooth ache was enduring. But it did get me thinking on how they got to be that way. I'm sure they didn't have the personality of the Wicked Witch of the East from their very first day of work. Or did they?

Ebihhh.. the dentist nearly made me cry. He said it's my fault for not taking up that appointment for tooth extraction when I was called. Jahat! It's not my fault I had other priorities. Just like they have other priorities too! That's it, I'm going to the other side. I'm going to a private dental clinic.

On a happier note, I think I can safely say the Sirens Victory BBQ can now be rescheduled to March 4th, that is if people at the house are OK with it. I will update more on this soon ok. QB I know ull only be coming back home on that very same day so I hope your flight is not an evening flight.

I have so many pictures of Sirens in our desktop and laptop. Someday I will burn them all onto several cds so you guys can pick and choose whichever photo you wanna keep for your own collection.

Mun, can u leave on Monday? Coz I got something to give you but it won't be done by Sunday. *sob sob* but I'll try never mind la. If inda siap I will just have to post it to you... by FED-EX don't worry... we know how picky you are with courier services.

OK... gtg.. btw... *drum roll*... more pictures are in Multiply

Thursday, February 16, 2006

R.I.P eatsleeplivefootball

Ok I realised there are some good things which can come out of this new blog. Yes to QB I think a new blog can mean a new chapter in Sirens lives. And yes.. even perhaps a new win nanti. Thanks to all those who have visited the new Sirens blog. It's good having you all here.

So.. as BigHT mentioned... the first official Sirens blog, so let's make the most of it. Although this blog is very accomodative. So if for any reason any one of you wish to talk about your man, or your car, or your game then by all means do so.

If you're a Sirens and you wanna join this blog just msg me ur email address and I can definitely add you in almost immediately (office hours only). If you are not a Siren, then I have no idea how you got here but it's ok as long as you haven't ever paid off a referree just to win a game then its ok. You're still welcome here. Because Sirens are good people, aren't we folks?

** training tomorrow at HQ usual time**

OK I know I promised to multiply more new pics but I don't think I'll have the time to do that today. Hopefully tomorrow. Orrrrr maybe tonight coz I will be in Jangsak. So i'll be connected...

Focx Utd Tournament
Another tournament in our midst hahaha
Get ready to treat yourselves to another round of wonderful practices ladies...
Hey! I think we all need it! We can do it! We can do it!

ISB ISB ISB.. eh sorry.. i got a lil carried away I just couldn't help remembering what a fun time it was cheering ISB on last Sunday much to the disappointment of some big-headed coaches!

Ok stop gloating..

just a piece of my mind..

Dear mochas,

- Why love when it hurts you that bad? Why keep it all to yourself and roll among the thorns when you can actually make things a bit better for yourself? Why suffer now when you predict there'll be more in the near future?

- All humans at some point, deserve to be slapped in the face regularly to make them a better person. Time just moves on without stopping you from doing something that just wastes your time. You deserve a good life like any others and if someone is stopping you from experiencing this- stand-up, face the crowd because you know you have the right to live the life you want it to be. Don't count the best moments of your life, it doesn't have a limit and it will appear as much as you want it to be in your life. However, bad moments of your life also doesn't have a limit, so be strong if you have to face this. You can be smart with the choices you make everyday that makes you stronger and overcome bad moments with more ease. Don't forget to savour the small things in life that makes you a complete person- be grateful with what you have.

- Move on and if you can't, slap yourself in the face, life is too short to be wasted. You might never know when it ends.

i am so sorry

My deepest apologies Sirens and blog contributors. But I just deleted almost 2 years worth of memories. I should've DAMN I should've done what I wanted to do ages ago. And that was to print out all our blog entries and compile them into a book. Now I can't even do that. I should've known I'm such an idiot when it comes to technology. I should've just left it to Scurry to fix but ARGGGGHHHH *screams really loudly while crying inside* now all that I could save was the past weeks blog posts.

I'm so so so sorry. Scurry for your passionate and sometimes amusing posts on Your Man. Drem for your Dear Blogger posts which I laughed at while reading because you're just so funny sometimes even when you don't mean to be. G... for your hilarious posts which always sound like you're PMS-ing. Bulan.. your posts while you were terribly homesick and updating us on ur life during the month of Puasa.

All that's gone. Why oh why can't I go back a step or two. If only DELETE wasn't really delete!!! If only the PC knew the person at the keyboard didn't really know what she was doing and that by giving her the option of deleting something, the PC could overwrite her decision and not actully DELETE the whole godamn thing and pretend like it did. But when the silly girl finally realised what a stupid mistake she had made the PC could then come to the rescue and return eveything the girl thought she had deleted.

I'm so sorry.

my saviour.. where art thou

First Blog of the Day...

I did something incredibly stupid but you'll all know soon enough. Especially for those regular bloggers on the old blog hehehehe. Only Scurry can save me now.