
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Apa ke benda tu??

Hello everybody. I'm in hyper-wanna-get-fit mode today. Me and Poison SOOO wanna start up Pilates again! So we're inviting everybody and anybody who's interested to join with us.

Pilates is really fun! Especially if you do it with a bunch of your friends! Like I remember the last time we had pilates sessions we had such a good time coz the next time we saw each other we couldn't laugh because our stomach still hurt from the last pilates class we took.

Anyway, Poison checked out this place d Kiarong atas Top Bake salnya I ter-baca dalam salah seorang punya blog yang amat meminati tiga taris bahawa ada sebuah tempat yang mengajar Pilates yang sangat baik disana. Anyway, Poison mau tah kesana to check it out kan, sekalinya tadi pagi ia gtau aku MAHAAAAAL harganya. Imagine.. BND190 untuk 6 class sahaja. SAHAJA!!! Eh hampa ku eh. Aynyway kami start thinking about the last place tempat ketani Pilates atu kan and we thought, why not start sana again. Last time masalahnya pasal inda cukup orang so macam makin mahal bayarannya so inda tah org mau lagi pigi kan kan kan!?!

So talking about money let's clarify it here now...

Price *k'ching.. k'ching*

We try to get at least 10 ppl to join our group that way we only pay BND5 a session which also equal to BND20 sebulan. Nah kan, ok kan tu?

So currently kami kan cuba runding Pilates classes untuk setiap hari Saturday in the afternoon. Tempatnya d Batu Besurat (bangunan mengadap Ahan Thai - its on the 1st floor called AktivFitness) Hopefully kamu semua dapat free kan schedule kamu.

So, I know maybe some of you not sure apa pilates ani, and aku pun not sure jua how to explain. So I went online to do some research. And these are some results I got.

Definition of Pilates:

Popular exercise regimen that uses special stretches (and machines - but it's ok, we don't use machines, we just use our body)

Benefits of Pilates:

Through Pilates and professional care you can change stress and strain harmful patterns.
You can discover more efficient patterns of movement
You can naturally and easily re-educate your spine, joints and muscles to move together more efficiently.
You can release tension.
Your posture can improve.
You can sit more comfortably.
You can become stronger.
You can move with greater ease and less strain.
You can feel better or even better than ever.
Emphasizing flexibility and overall strength over body bulk

Probably one of the most important questions you all are dying to ask...

Can I lose weight with Pilates?

Pilates will help to strengthen and build muscle increasing your metabolism therefore improving calorie burning capabilities. Some type of cardiovascular exercise is recommended in addition to Pilates for a well balanced work out.

So in other words, don't stop other exercise but this Pilates can surely help give you added benefits. Ingat, ketani kan mau jadi lebih kuat on the field kan. So that klu opponent kan menyiggung ketani or menolak ketani (tanpa mendapat apa2 foul pun dari referee yang buta) ketani bulih lawan balik. So to our strikers, join lah kami! *muahahahaa* Also, remember how we're always a little slow to react when ketani dapat bula, I think Pilates ani makes our body more flexible so that when we do activities our body pun more flexible and more proactive so that we react more quicker... do you get what I mean kah? I hope so la...

So please let me know ok. Coz if all goes well, we can start by this coming Saturday...


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