
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Friday, February 24, 2006

banar kah tu?

Banar kah tu? Yeah dat was d thought dat was running thru my head when i got d msg frm E13!! I had to read it 3 times before it could sink in!! I tried to look normal as i was at that time at a nikah function.. takut krg groom nya ani pikir ia salah ckp if ia nampak my face tekajut or in awe!!

So girls, another tough sunday ahead but u know wat, i believe u all can do it lah!! i believe! i believe! i believe!! Keep up wat u guys have been doing all this time, have fun n play as a team!!!

All teams will be pressured and we have an added weight on our back defending our DF champions and Kirana League champions title.. Dragonfly will be more pressured trying to prove that they are indeed worthy of the cup, and also pressured to make sure they dun mess up n lose out on a penalty shoot out lagi! Flamingos will be pressured to show dat they are indeed d no 1 team, according to a so-so website!! so ppl everybody will b under a lot of pressure, not just us!

please take note *apakan* that i will not be able to attend d morning games as i have a wedding function to go to in SERIA *hmph* but insyallah i will try to rush and make it for teh afternoon games. I will be sokong-ing in my hearts n soul for u guys!!! Like QB i would like to request for an update on d scores ya.. hehehe

on d last note, menang atau kalah atu adat permainan, yg penting u all have fun on d field!!! okies!!!



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