
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Quite a handful made it to yesterdays ball bashing session. I was quite late yesterday but you'll have to excuse the overwhelming amount of road I had to drive through yeseterday to get to the field, so excuse my tardiness. It's not like I was late on purpose, my car is only a small car, it can't go 180/km/hr as I would like it to. So many apologies if I inconvenienced anyone, God forbid that's the last thing I would want to do to anyone. *Horror of horrors*

*I just deleted a whole paragraph because it was inappropriate. I wrote that paragraph in a heated moment and I was angry but now I'm not. So I've deleted that paragraph.*

OK.. so yesterday was really fun. A relaxed version of training, thank God. We played a 3-on-3 game and my team won haha antah wah I didn't keep score wah! Krg marah team sbalah. The weather was just nice, not too hot and it wasn't so bad it rained either. It was just nice.

The triplets were exhausted after competing in the triathlon (is that what it's called?) so kudos to them! Oops, correction.. 2 of our triplets competed (so that would make them what? Twins?!?), one just went along for the ride.

Coach Yup came to "train" us but he ended up playing as well. My GarFu was a stick in the mud (haha)coz he didn't bring his footie gear even tho I told him he could play wif us. And kelurusan cia Mr Drem inda jua datang..maybe that's why GarFu didn't wanna play hehe he malu hehe just kidding.

Well, it would've been fun if the others came.. dun worry tho, sprints and stairs will be waiting for you lazybums muahahaha *did that sound evil enough*

Right people.. catch y'all later!


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