
We like eating cucur udang. Sometimes we eat cucur udang with chilli sauce, sometimes with tomato sauce for the ones that inda pandai eat chilli sauce. But overall our favourite is cucur udang. Always and forever!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Many thx!

Happy belated birthday Coach Gnol! (ia membaca jua kah ni blog ani??? hehe)

Thank you soo much for all the birthday wishes, here and via sms. It was nice to be woken up (albeit way too early for me on a Friday..hehehe) by the sound of messages on my fone and reading all the bday msgs with 1 eye open, grinning, then continuing my sleep! Hehehehe! I can’t believe both Bulan and Sudu put up that pic with my silly face from futsal! Did you know I share my birthday with Queen Elizabeth II?? (She actually has 2 birthdays, her real one and an official one and I think mine is her official one. Dunno y she’s given 2 days to get bday presents, it’s a bit greedy if u ask me!)

Been meaning to blog here, but hadn’t got round to it till now, maybe cos it’s hard for me to announce to every1 else (besides the ones that already know from when I told them after training a few weeks ago). Anyway….I have resigned as manager of the team (sorry Mun!). It wasn’t an easy decision and those close to me know just how long it took me to finally do it. I still love the team LOADS, especially when I think about all that we went through to make the team what it is today (although more on that later!). Balkis is still there though so the team is in safe hands. It isn’t easy managing the team, esp on your own, so please please please try to make it easier for Balkis ok.

Eventhough I am not managing the team anymore, I am still taking interest on what’s going on though. When there is supposed to be training I still always ask Balkis how many ppl turn up and who. So it’s been really disappointing when I hear inda ramai yang datang training/actually do training. There is no team if only 3-5 ppl are there for training, and it’s not fair on the ones that do turn up when the rest of the team don’t come cos payah jua kan training mun inda ramai ada. So please can every1 make an effort to come to training cos the continued existence of the team depends on you, the players. Pebaik tah ada manager, ada coaches, ada goalie plus maybe 3 players, alum jua dpt main tu! If you can’t come for training masa ani, gtau sja Balkis. Every1 has other commitments, atu difahami tu and it’s ok, but gtau sja. If you can’t come for a long period of time like you’re busy with work/school for the next few weeks, gtau saja. It’s just out of courtesy that u shd tell Balkis kah, Juju kah, coaches kah. I know they r hampa when they make the time to go to training skali no-one else does, I know I used to feel like that.

*So please don’t let the rest of your team-mates down. Don’t let this team which we worked so hard to create just disappear.*


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